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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Hope it’s not for more than $8 million per...even the players don’t think he’s a top 100 player...and we can’t have him clogging up our salary cap...👍
  2. The whole point of being a fan is passing judgement...
  3. Looks like a BLM/Antifa riot...👍
  4. I couldn’t care less...only reason I’m posting is because I figured I would contribute something since I got suckered into this thread...😉
  5. I actually think it would be more like the old days when Liberals and Conservatives used to compromise on issues, and weren’t afraid to be seen with each other in public... And plus, conservatives are not a monolith...there is a wide range of conservatism on a whole host of issues...not everyone agrees on everything... Exactly 👍
  6. Lol...conservatives don’t just exist in rural America, my friend...just like Bills fans don’t just exist in Buffalo...👍 Well, then it looks like you’ve got your mind all made up then...no need to learn anything new for you, I see...👍
  7. There was actually a study done on this by a Left wing writer for the publication, Mother Jones, who’s got no love for the Right... His analysis actually found that, over the last 20 years, with regards to views on guns, taxes, abortion, etc, that the Right has, for the most part, stayed the same, or moved up to five percentage points to the Right...whereas the Left averaged a Leftward shift of 15-20 percentage points...yet the Left tries to make the Right out to be the extremists...
  8. Oh stop it...now you’re just being a silly billy...the word “racist” no longer has any meaning...😉
  9. If this is how you view conservatives, it seems like you may not know very many...
  10. Men should be allowed to have access to free abortions, on demand, just like women...😉
  11. The difference between Edmunds and Milano in my opinion? Edmunds is a physically gifted athletic freak...Milano is a football player...👍
  12. I would take the points. 1- No, because of freedom of expression... and 2- yes, because of freedom of speech 👍
  13. I wish Edmunds was as good as Milano- then we might have something...
  14. Josh can’t take the pressure...his face is bright red...deer in headlights...
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