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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. We run ok...don’t forget there are only 6-7 in the box because Josh’s arm...so they should be having success
  2. I want the organization to show they have the balls to trade him after the season...but I don’t think they do...
  3. Yup...if you wouldn’t want it called on us, then it is weak...
  4. What is up with Obada? I thought he was going to be a major piece this year...
  5. Well, Harrison was a 3rd round pick, so I’m sure how much of a bust he is... What it does mean in that we will likely go DT early in the draft...👍
  6. Can we please stay on topic? I feel like I always have to reel you back in...Lol We we’re discussing whether or not Trump and Obama we’re worshipped by their supporters...I contended that they were, and gave examples for why people worshipped Obama... But then you go off on some weird tangent on Trump acting like Hitler and sending letters...LOL
  7. It looks like Jussie Smollett has become a microcosm of the mainstream media- use whatever you can to further an agenda, even if you have to make it up...
  8. I agree with this...but you could also substitute the words “Right” and “Left” and still be just as truthful... Remember, Nazis and Communists may have had different philosophies, but their strategies for achieving their goals were very similar (Authoritarianism)...
  9. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You must have been born yesterday... Obama was a rock star in 2008, filling up stadiums like Trump in 2016...woman were swooning, grown men crying...he had a swag to his walk, a smoothness to his dancing...he was the definition of “cool” and people couldn’t wait to get him on their tv show... He was a rookie politician and shot to the top because of his charm, good looks, and celebrity persona...I remember people considering him borderline messianic...
  10. Fight the power! That’s ok...NY Governor Hochul just said they will just replace unvaccinated nurses with illegals...🤣
  11. This is not entirely true...they may not be the majority, but they are out there...many have quit, many have joined lawsuits and in the middle of litigation...
  12. Did Democrats not worship Obama like Republicans did with Trump? Theres always two sides to every coin, just like there are conspiracies coming from both parties...👍 And again, you completely ignored my previous post...
  13. No...when talking about a party “pissing on the graves of Americans” or calling a party a “terrorist party”...referring to anything that disagrees with your view as “Q Anon, cult, or conspiracy”...This allows you to simply dismiss other points of view without thinking... That is very extreme rhetoric that will turn you into the very extremist you accuse others of being... you really need to try to be more open minded, and put yourself in other people’s shoes... We are all going to have our biases...that’s why critiquing our own views, or trying to poke holes in our own perspectives is the best way to keep ourselves honest...👍
  14. Yo, man...you really gotta chill...people try to have dialogue with you and you just lose you sh!#! The Republicans are not “my” party...I vote based on issues, not party... And just to show how fair and balanced I am, I think both parties are corrupt and to blame for contributing to the current state of our country...it’s not one side or the other...can you say the same?
  15. I love how you can never answer a question...Lol Second, I don’t agree with everything Republicans do, nor do I disagree with everything Democrats do...I’m part, Libertarian, part conservative, and part Liberal...actually, you could call me a moderate... So are you for or against voter ID?
  16. Mueller actually said he could find no connection with the Trump campaign and Russia...and this was the guy the Dems were hyping as trustworthy and full of integrity...but I guess that was when they thought he was going to give them the conclusion they wanted...oh well...onto the next conspiracy theory I guess...😉 Oh? So then you’re ok with voter ID if 80% of the country is? Just trying to get specifics on where you stand on things, instead of vague generalities...
  17. If you just look at what Biden’s policies have done to the country (border ineptitude, inflation through the roof, Afghanistan debacle, cutting off our oil pipeline out west, while allowing Russia to have theirs), and dividing the population even further, he very well could go down as one of the worst presidents of all time... I literally can’t think of one positive thing he has done...
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