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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Notice the eerie silence, in this thread, from Left leaning posters...it’s almost like they are either against freedom protests, or they secretly support the fascistic authoritarianism of the Australian government...
  2. What? Shot in the back because every covid life matters...got it! 😉
  3. What you describe is literally the definition of “Post Modernism”, which has the fundamental belief that there is no truth...
  4. Ok, so you’re basically saying (and correct me if I’m wrong) that no matter what we did it would have been messy? To some extent, you may be correct...there is just no way to ever know for certain if it would have been better, as bad, or worse , if another strategy was attempted... That being said, the administration still made key decisions that, at the very least, still seem ill advised...Case in point, the tens of billions of dollars of military weapons, ammunition, and vehicles just gifted to our 20 year adversary, while our citizens and allies were still in country... As a result, the Biden administration was roundly criticized by our allies and mainstream media for, not just his handling of the situation, but negotiating with the Taliban without even consulting his allies, or even making them aware of what was going on- stuff that just didn’t make common sense to anyone...
  5. Not sure I follow what you’re specifically referring to...can you elaborate?
  6. Meh...now it just sounds like you’re making excuses just because you support Biden...and I get it...but nobody’s perfect, and every president makes mistakes... There’s no shame in admitting when a president messes up, regardless of your political leanings...in fact, it makes you a more credible person to dialogue with- because it illustrates you’re out for truth, and not just power...👍
  7. The good way would have been to get the civilians out first, while the military was still there...then have the military start loading up all their equipment on their way out...that way you don’t arm the Taliban...👍
  8. Imo Biden was right to get us out...where he failed was his execution...anyone can want to do something...but you have to be smart about how you do it...
  9. Because the Feds are busy helping OJ still look for the real killer...😉
  10. Nice try with the “straw man argument” Tibs... Unfortunate for you though, I never said that...but I guess I didn’t have to as long as you can make it up, right? In fact, if you would like an actual quote from me, I wish we were out a long time ago...👍 Sorry if that last part doesn’t fit your narrative...
  11. I’ve never been a Knox fan, but he has been really playing well thus far this season...
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