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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. That’s more than half the country disapproving...that means that even all the msm protection can’t keep him afloat anymore! People are rejecting the authoritarianism...👍
  2. Bills 24 Chiefs 34 Early game jitters puts Buffalo in a hole...Dry spell from Mahomes in the 3rd qtr allows the Bills to climb back within a score...until Mahomes puts the game away late...Injuries also play a key roll in the difference...
  3. And remember kids, pharmaceutical companies are not in the business of creating cures, they are in the business of creating customers... Just like the War On Terror, that can go on indefinitely, it is in the pharmaceutical company’s interest to have this pandemic go on indefinitely so profits keep flowing in...
  4. Beasley is not happy about the booing...I really hope stupid fans don’t make it so he doesn’t want to play for the team...he’s really a good dude, and an excellent talent...
  5. I disagree with your first sentence...you do realize that there are over 100 million Americans who already have natural immunity, and have no need for a vaccine? There are healthcare staff, with natural immunity stronger and longer lasting than the vaccine, who were fired...can you honestly say that this is right? I mean, if we are being logical...
  6. I do agree about not wanting to overwhelm our healthcare system... but it doesn’t really make sense firing the very heroes who saved us from the brink, during the pandemic...Now our hospitals will be even more overwhelmed...kinda reminds me of the Australian police shooting people so they don’t spread covid...sure, you might stop the spread- but only because everyone who leaves their home will have a bullet in their back... Natural immunity was supposed to be part of the equation for herd immunity when this thing first started...now, nobody cares, even though it is stronger and longer lasting than the vaccine...So, I’m long passed thinking herd immunity is the main objective anymore... too many things just don’t add up, the way the government is going about things imo...
  7. But weren’t we told that, while more contagious, the Delta variant is less deadly?
  8. That’s a man living his best life...🤣
  9. I’d like to see us maintain the balanced offensive attack we’ve been using...if Josh thinks he has to be Superman going into the game, I think that’s where the anxiety might set in...
  10. KC or TB...because that’s just what Super Bowl contenders do...😉
  11. Ding ding ding!!! Could not have said it better myself...well done sir! 👍
  12. This is the Leftist’s utopia...👎
  13. Was that the name of the movie or a quote?
  14. You’re absolutely right...but you know why they don’t? Because it’s not about trying to get to herd immunity, never has been imo...if it were, natural immunity would be included in the equation...👍
  15. No...rebelling against the oppression of science and natural immunity 👍 Natural immunity has been proven stronger and longer lasting than the vaccine over and over...Now we have Big Pharma scientists confirming the same... Yet Fauci and our government want to threaten people into getting vaccinated, even if they are naturally immune...why? What’s the reasoning behind this? And why do we have to stumble across this information? Why are our leaders withholding this knowledge from the public, about natural immunity? Why are they trying to censor this information? Do you see where I am coming from? Does any of this make sense to you?
  16. It’s what most people have known all along... Media and government cover up about natural immunity due to Big Pharma...👍 Also explains the social media censorship... Welcome to the rebellion...
  17. Funny how all the initial misinformation benefited the fear mongering media and government... You wanna know why there is vaccine hesitancy? Crap like this...you can’t really trust anyone or anything anymore...sad...
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