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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Are his cheeks all rosy? That’s the true tell tale sign of his anxiety...😉
  2. Well, if you believe we should have open borders, less energy independence, censorship of information, laws created by an authoritarian executive instead of congress, high inflation and unemployment, a chipping away of civil liberties, failed overseas missions, and constantly pitting one half of the country against the other, then I would argue that Biden has done EVERYTHING right! 😉
  3. I’m sorry Oldman...I respect you as a poster because I believe you are genuine in your posts, unlike some other posters... But I have to admit, that you’re greatly mistaken about Fauci lying about masks- and here he is actually admitting it... By the way, for the record, Jimmy Dore is a leftist progressive, who supports Bernie Sanders’ policies, just so you don’t think he is some MAGA right winger...👍
  4. Yup...and Fauci has already admitted, several times, that he has lied about masks and herd immunity, among other things...furthermore, his leaked emails have caused his credibility to be shot among most of the public...
  5. Brilliantly said...and I agree 100% I’ve always said it’s the lying and censorship of information, by the government, big tech, and Fauci, that is making people vaccine hesitant... People are feeling that there is an ulterior motive why they are suppressing other remedies that have been shown to work...it’s people’s gut instinct, that things are not adding up... And now, the threats to people’s livelihoods, especially healthcare workers- when we already had shortages, is only adding fuel to the fire...👍
  6. Well, there are a number of different reasons why some people don’t want to take the vaccine...Personally, at first I wanted to see how it affected everyone...but then I got covid, and now I don’t feel like I need to get the vaccine... Well, I don’t know where other people are getting their info...but as for me, I watch a variety of informational sources, that cover liberal, conservative, libertarian and progressive points of view on national and global issues... And a lot of times I get lots of info and reports that the CDC, FDA, and certain doctors don’t have the incentive to talk about... I feel I get a good balance of info that has led me to feel that while the vaccine does some good things, it might not be for everyone...and that’s ok imo... The pandemic is so political likely due to the polarizing times we are living in...Politicians, including Fauci, are not being 100% honest with the American people, and it’s causing people to question their motives imo...I definitely feel this way and I know plenty of others who feel the same... People also feel politicians are using this crisis to try and cram down other agendas...I’m sure a lot of people remember the infamous Hilary Clinton quote “Never let a good crisis go to waste”....This makes a lot of people very skeptical of big government intervention and overreach.... As far as the end game, there are too many variables to tell exactly...we could end up in a totalitarian police state like China or Australia...Or, like the Scandinavian countries we can mitigate as much as possible, realize that we’ve got to learn to live with the virus, and just freely live our lives as much as possible...👍
  7. I don’t think anyone is debating the efficacy of the vaccine, or whether we should have access to them...the debate is around whether people should have a choice or not whether to take it... So the premise of your argument is misplaced imo..it’s not about Republican controlled states having big waves of covid because Republicans are denying access to the vaccine...people in those states are simply choosing not to take them as much as left leaning states... But threatening people is not exactly what I would call encouragement... it’s called threatening people...
  8. Wait...there was a warning in 2006 that in the year 2021, an order of 10 wings was going to rise to $16? 😉
  9. if it ain’t Michael McDonald, any white singer from the 80s is probably considered old school country music to black people...😂
  10. Cute...😉 But when I post, I actually try to potentially learn something new with whom I’m conversing- and possibly share something the other person might not have heard before...it’s a give and take... Oldman and I, who likely share different political leanings, actually had a great convo, where we exchanged ideas and opinions...and he presented info that I’m curious of in looking into... But, unfortunately, I don’t get that from you...I’ve presented ideas or questions to you and you never respond to the subject...you just go off on a tangent, and talk about your own thing- or you just “spam” with twitter quotes and memes... Makes it hard to have an intellectual discussion...
  11. I numbered your responses so I could best respond to them in order...👍 1- The corporate, left leaning msm has the most incentive in showing that natural immunity is actually worse than the vaccine, yet I have yet to see or hear any reporting on it...You would think they would have loved to jump all over it, if true...But all of the scientific reports out of Israel, Finland, and Britain all point in the opposite direction...but if you have any of that info, I’d love to see it...👍 Furthermore, don’t be surprised if it was a fake report funded by the very pharmaceutical companies who want us to keep buying their product...A lot of times, that’s how “the game“ works in the corporate world- A fake report gets put out, and it makes the rounds of the msm...but like I said, I’m open to checking it out if you have it... But it’s been pretty well established, that while the vaccine only produces the spiked protein to protect against a very specific part of the virus, natural immunity creates several proteins that protect against a larger portion of the virus...This is why a country like Israel (the highest vaccinated country in the world) found that people who were vaccinated were becoming reinfected at a much higher rate than those who were naturally immune... 2- You are actually correct about this one...the studies you are referring to further conclude that the more intense the covid symptoms, the higher the immune response...So, you are right that not all natural immunity is equal... 3- This does not seem accurate based on evidence I’ve seen/heard...there are several remedies/therapeutics out there, that when taken before or during the early stages of covid symptoms, can range between mitigating symptoms to stopping the virus dead in its tracks...vitamins, D, C, along with Zink, and Quercetine are medicines that help to strengthen immune responses against Covid...People have also had success with Ivermectin and the malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine, or similar combinations...there is also Regeneron and Monoclonal antibody treatments... So, there is actually quite a few alternatives to vaccination if people choose to go that route...it’s not a “one size fits all” kind of thing... 4- First of all, I not “fine” with anyone dying, as you put it...but what I am, is a realist- You, literally, have a better chance of being struck by lightning than dying from Covid if you are young and healthy- and that’s just the truth... You claim that I’m “fine” with people having long lasting complications from covid...Does that mean that you’re “fine” with people having long lasting complications from the vaccine? Of course not, and I would never accuse you of such... But my thing is, if I’m going to take the lesser of two evils, for me, given my personal situation, I will bet on my immune system than some foreign substance that we have no idea the repercussions will be years from now...Everyone in life has to take their own risk, whether naturally or with a foreign substance- and it should be their choice imo... 5- I have heard this cliche used before and I don’t feel it’s a very strong one because vaccinated people infect people just like unvaccinated people...and you know why? Because, technically, it’s not a vaccine- but rather a therapeutic... The difference? A vaccine either cures a virus/disease or makes you immune to it... the Covid “vaccine” does neither...the only thing it does is mitigate symptoms for yourself, which is what a therapeutic does...This means that you can contract and transmit the virus just like an unvaccinated person...So, to accuse an unvaccinated person of doing (playing Russian Roulette with people’s lives) what a vaccinated person “doesn’t do” seems a little disingenuous. So in conclusion, because there is no perfect solution to our problems, no “all righteous medical savior” to protect us from the pitfalls and perils that we call Life, I feel it is incumbent on everyone to best choose, for themselves, what their best option is to stay as safe and secure as they can...And when we do that, we don’t have to worry as much what other people do...Good discussion...👍
  12. You know what else is stressing the hospital system? Firing healthcare workers who have been saving people’s lives the last year and a half... Maybe instead of firing people, there should be an incentive to hire more healthcare staff...then there won’t be shortages...👍 See? We can always find solutions while still preserving our freedoms- people just have to have the will to do it instead of surrendering so easily...👍
  13. Fortunately, there is no need...While the vaccine does help, it is not that strong or long lasting...and there is really only a very specific segment of the population that seriously should consider taking it- older people, people who are immune deficient, and obese people... Younger people and healthy people should be allowed to take it if they want...but there is no serious need for them to do so- especially when natural immunity will help to eradicate the virus better than the vaccine, based on scientific studies... And, at no point should it ever be mandated on the population, especially with there being other remedies and ways of mitigation imo...
  14. I recently had surgery and was prescribed oxy codone by my doctor...when I went back for my checkup, when he asked me how the medicine was treating me, I responded I hadn’t taken any...his reaction shocked me! He was so relieved... Now, think about that for a moment- a doctor prescribing medicine to patients that he doesn’t want you to take...🤔 This is because they get paid by Big Pharma to push things that might not be good for you- but that might financially benefit Big Pharma...👍 When the Left used to hate big corporations, they understood this fact well...unfortunately, they have since shifted to be in full support of Big corporations, including Big Pharma controlling people’s lives...
  15. I don’t think he’s capable of having actual dialogue...I’ve tried many times with BillStime, but it’s like you’re talking to a wall...he just regurgitates Twitter, and it’s like he’s not even there...you could literally switch him out with someone else, and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference, because he never brings a unique thought to the table...
  16. That’s right! 👍 I was inspired after watching Dave Chappelle’s “The Closer”...good stuff...😉
  17. Actually, had Biden kept Trump’s policies on the border, we wouldn’t be needing to house and pay for 200,000 illegal migrants entering the country every month... Afghanistan was a disaster created by Biden when he chose to ignore the strategy of his generals, and go through with his own plan, after he was briefed for months of what was going to happen if he followed through... It was Biden who chose to end the Keystone pipeline on day 1, killing thousands of jobs, endangering American energy independence, and helping to raise gas prices for you, me and every other American... Now, if you’re truly being honest with yourself, you know that none of these 3 things has anything to do with “washing the stench of Trump out”.
  18. Ahhhhhh, French vanilla, rocky road, chocolate peanut butter cookie dough...scoop there it is, scoop there it is! (Sprinkles!) 😂
  19. Afghanistan? The border? The economy? More covid deaths this year than last year- even with a vaccine? I don’t know...everything he touches doesn’t really seem to go well....it’s like, everything we were promised with a Biden presidency hasn’t really come to fruition...
  20. Traitors??? Well, that’s certainly an odd choice of words... Since when do people not have the right to disapprove of their elected officials? Last I checked, places that always had 100% approval were North Korea, China, and Iraq when Sadam Hussein was still the dictator...👍
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