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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Your rhetoric is very cultish and irrational...I support common sense- not blindly following an ideology... Trump was far from my ideal president...but at least it seemed like he had some common sense with some of his policies- something, I pray to God, that Biden finds before it’s too late...
  2. Not at all, my friend...I simply posted Ray Liotta laughing in your face, for thinking that celebrating Christmas was pathetic...you must be the life of the party during the holidays...😉
  3. Now, that’s just F’d up...😱
  4. Hey 716er...what are your reasons for wanting vaccine mandates? What are you most afraid of?
  5. I do not support these tactics one bit...In fact, I detest them with every fiber of my being... But you have to admit, it is interesting how the Left doesn’t like getting a taste of their own medicine... Woke SJW activists have been using the strategy of threats and intimidation and fear for years, with Anitfa, BLM, and other Marxist groups... so, I say, Pot, meet Kettle, because these are the rules of engagement that the Left has decided on... It used to be that only people on the fringes acted that way...now, unfortunately, it is mainstream...
  6. This is very interesting...it reminds me of how certain environmental policies in California have led to several power outages and wild fires... It seems people are always having to lower their standards of living for Marxism to work... Unfortunately, Joe Biden seems to have aligned himself with a philosophy that is sure to end in disaster, and bring down his presidency...this is also probably why he feels he has to resort to authoritarian tactics- because people don’t naturally want to go along with failing policies...
  7. Wow...fantastic! I even like the charcoal jersey look...makes the red and blue from the helmet, pants and socks really stand out...👍 These are all great alternate uni concepts...
  8. Same... but I’d like to see them experiment with the red jersey and white pants- like Josh has for the summer scrimmage...looked real sharp...👍
  9. These Bills uniforms are becoming my favorite...👍 Only thing that would make them perfect is two blue stripes, outlined in red at the top of the socks- to match the shoulders...
  10. Anyone else think we might switch to a 4-3 base D this week?
  11. Hoping we don’t give up any of our DL...an injury here or there and we could be short handed in no time...screw saving money! we need all hands on deck for a championship run! 👍
  12. Yesssss! My daily Charlie Murphy...now I can sleep like a baby tonight...😉
  13. Good post...and I agree- Leftists have MAJOR incentive to crash the economy...they only benefit when the country does poorly...
  14. The big question, for me, is what on Earth is Reich referring to when he says, “...if we stopped letting...” Does he plan on paying for a “hit job”? Maybe it’s just me but it seemed like an odd choice of words...LOL
  15. Judge rules that NYS mandates must allow for religious exemptions...I don’t agree with the mandates, but this is the next best thing to freedom of choice...👍 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2021/10/12/nyregion/new-york-vaccine-mandate.amp.html
  16. Guys we didn’t just win- we dominated their ass!!! 💪💪💪
  17. I’m nervous...our offense hasn’t done crap after the delay...
  18. The weather Gods will not allow us to win...🤣🤣🤣
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