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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. And that’s the beauty of choice...good for you...👍
  2. There is no history...this is the first time we are using this type of vaccine...we do not know the full extent of side effects, or how the human body will respond to it down the road...it’s experimental...
  3. Oh? Is this not the first time we are experimenting with an mRNA vaccine? In addition, I can say, for myself, that my views on things have changed several times over the course of my lifetime... So, when you say there is no difference, I tend to disagree with that... But I do recognize your point about how he had different beliefs before...👍
  4. While I agree with you on that, people are allowed to evolve in their views...furthermore, the circumstances are different this time around with regards to the vaccine...
  5. Thought this seemed a little fishy- and then I noticed the date of the tweet...👻
  6. He touched it...tip of finger bends back
  7. Watching “noodle arm” Tua makes me so grateful we have a REAL QB! 👍 The Tua hype train was just too strong for the Fins to resist...🤣🤣🤣
  8. Exactly...BillStime saying it’s not his job is just his excuse because he knows moving the game DOES NOT help black people, but in fact, hurts black businesses in the city...
  9. Very similar to alternative covid medicines or negative info on the vaccines...can’t have people knowing the full story...and everything needs to be spun against white MAGA country...As BillStime likes to often say- pathetic...👍 ”Welcome to the rebellion!”
  10. Great video...I was not always the biggest Edmunds fan...but even I could notice a “step up” in his play this season, and am quite pleased...
  11. Agreed...and he doesn’t look like he’s running at full speed out there in those clips
  12. Good stuff...👍 Some could say this is psychological warfare to bring about a particular outcome from the population...I have no doubt that this is why doctors and hospitals receive extra federal funding for covid patients even if they are only presumed to have covid (fact checked as TRUE by USA Today)...likely incentive to increase numbers to justify the authoritarian policies you describe imo...🤔 Because of this, being able to question authority is so important, while censorship is used by authority to maintain their power and control over the population...non-compliance, in certain circumstances, becomes a sort of protest, and is used for much bigger reasons than just the virus, vaccine, and mandates imo... Vaccines are great, but we are fighting for the right choose our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness...we actually had MORE freedom before the vaccine...think about that for a moment...crazy...
  13. Wanting forced vaccination on people, even though you, yourself, are vaccinated (and presumably, protected) follows a “Pathology of Fear”- which leads people to surrender their freedom, in favor of authoritarianism... The numbers just aren’t there to justify mandates... Just think about how many other issues we will have to start mandating for, if you follow the same logic as covid- the flu? Obesity? Driving automobiles? Flying in airplanes? Having swimming pools? If the goal is to not have one loss of life, or any adverse conditions, as a result of the virus, where does this road lead to, if followed to its logical conclusion? And that’s not a question that can be ignored either...when implementing policy, unintended consequences must always be considered- otherwise, the potential for societal distasteful increases exponentially...
  14. For the people in favor of expanding the court, all you need to do is ask them if they would be in favor of the expansion if a Republican were president, and picking the nominees...their answer will tell you everything you need to know, and whether the expansion is for noble causes, or political reasons...👍 If it is to gain political power, then it should not be done imo...
  15. While I like Davis, if we move Sanders to the slot, I would prefer to have more speed on the outside...I like Davis as the #4, where we don’t have to rely on him to produce every week, and where is contributions can still be a nice little addition to the offense from time to time...
  16. If Beasley is gone after this year, I hope the bills have his replacement in mind...we will need to find more reliable pass catchers out of the backfield because Beasley serves as an extension of that position, and is a superb safety net for Josh...
  17. Yup, sell the Sabres and use the profits to build a dome for the Bills...👍 Bills deserve a great cathedral and the Sabres are standing in the way...🤣🤣🤣
  18. I predict the 2024 presidential election will be more chaotic than 2020...
  19. Easy, BillStime...you’re nostrils are flaring...🤣🤣🤣 You really must learn to govern your passions...your reaction is pure unbridled emotion, and it is causing you to interpret my post with what you want it to say instead of what it actually does...so allow me to remind you... ”Trump was far from my ideal president...he had some common sense with some of his policies...” It’s not thinking he’s the messiah...It’s not thinking he’s the greatest president ever...but it’s also not thinking he’s Hitler...What it is, is actually a fairly moderate and reasonable statement that isn’t extreme on either side...And if you can’t understand that, then maybe it’s you that’s in a cult, my friend... Just because someone may not agree with you 100%, doesn’t make them a Nazi...try not being so extreme...👍
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