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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. In all fairness, it’s very difficult to see the ball touching the tip of a finger in real time...
  2. Well, didn’t Biden say, months ago, that he couldn’t mandate because it’s unconstitutional? So, if that’s the case, I don’t understand how the federal government can fine businesses if they don’t force their employees to get the shot...like, what’s the difference?
  3. Perhaps the vaccine mandates may have a bigger purpose, and long term agenda? Maybe this is why covid policy is so inconsistent, so confusing...maybe the vaccine mandates are a means to an end, and we’ve all been distracted into bickering over “pro-vax vs. anti-vax”... Curious what y’all think about this...👍
  4. I agree with this...and I have heard that in many (if not all) states, where ID is required, if you cannot get an ID, for whatever reason, that state provides one free of charge- which I think is the right thing to do...👍
  5. Before his death, JFK Jr. confessed that his uncle, Robert, told him his father was murdered by the CIA...
  6. This is not entirely true...While the unvaccinated remained the larger group getting sick, the original covid vaccine has a lower efficacy against Delta...so more vaccinated people were getting sick and hospitalized as well...
  7. Unfortunately, attempting to give an answer on those other vaccines would do a disservice to the conversation, as I am not knowledgeable on those topics...
  8. -Everyone should be required to show photo ID -No mail-in ballots unless one is applied for and ID is shown - Mail-in ballots need to have a post mark no later than Election Day to count. -No ballot harvesting, no drop boxes, no drive thru voting - 14 days provided to vote to limit long lines, and allow for people to make travel arrangements... No excuses...just simple, common sense
  9. Well, with regards to the vaccines for kids, a few scientific studies have recently come out saying that young boys 12-15 were 4-6 times more likely to end up in the hospital due to vaccine side effects (myocarditis) than actually getting sick from covid...that’s actually quite a bit... Another study came out and said kids under 12 are extremely low risk of, not just being hospitalized, but even getting sick from covid...they are actually more immune to the virus than a middle aged vaccinated person...So mandating vaccination for kids does not seem like it would be following the science... As for people being dumb, that is their right...that’s why people should make their own individual choices to best protect themselves...it’s not a “one size fits all” situation...👍
  10. How about we just hire more staff (instead of firing staff)? Ya know- the thing most companies do when business goes up...😉
  11. Wow, dude...are you being sarcastic? 🤣 You are, quite literally, the only person I have ever heard, in the last 10 months, say that things are going well...🤣🤣🤣 Do you mind sharing what part of the country is going so well, so that I may join in the festivities? 👍
  12. If this pandemic was truly the apocalyptic plague we are led to believe it is, we wouldn’t need mandates...think about that for a moment...😉 If this virus was truly so dangerous, why does the government need to threaten people to take a vaccine? We know that people 65 and up are the most vulnerable...and yet 95% of them are vaccinated without being forced... Why? Simple... Because these people assessed the level of danger and took action to protect themselves...no mandate required... But the rest of the population simply doesn’t trust a government, controlled by Big Pharma, that tries to force them to get medicated when the danger is just not that high... Even the smart people, who are vaccinated, don’t want the mandate- because they are wise enough to see where this will lead to, down the road...and they don’t want to be forced either...👍
  13. Sounds like China? North Korea? Wake up Lefties...is this what you want? You may think you are woke today...but tomorrow, you won’t be woke enough...people who think this way always come back to eat their own...it is inevitable...it WILL happen... People who go along with the censorship because it is on your side (at the moment) never think the tables will turn until it’s too late...they are signing their own death warrant and they don’t even realize it...the Left, desperately, wants change so bad, they never consider the unintended consequences until it arrives on their door step...
  14. This is outrageous...”An iron curtain” is descending over the continent...EVERYONE should be very afraid of this... If we can’t get honest news because the government controls everything that’s put out, we are in big trouble... Where are all my Democrat friends who were once for a free and open press?
  15. While I agree with this, I think both parties are boxed in...I really hope Trump doesn’t run...Even though I agree with some of his policies, he’s too toxic at this point imo...the Republicans need a fresh face, as do the Dems, and neither Newsom nor Kamala would be wise choices...they need a more moderate candidate that has a proven record as an executive...👍
  16. People want to know why there’s vaccine hesitancy? How could anyone feel safe taking an injection from people who push stuff like this? The more they lie, the more they pump out disinformation, the more people reject...and that’s just the truth...
  17. Your first story is what is known as “Anti-racism”....it protects non whites from judgement, even when they assault someone...it is what CRT looks like when it’s put into practice by the MSM...doesn’t that just seem like the perfect utopia you’ve always been waiting for? 😉
  18. And all the sheep replied in unison- “Yes, Master.” 🤣🤣🤣
  19. This post really contains some insightful bits of wisdom that I’m sure several people on this board will overlook, unfortunately... Well done, All Pro...👍
  20. Meh...I don’t know...kinda seems like a red herring...almost like they are trying to soften the “blow back” they’ve been receiving from calling parents domestic terrorists...Unfortunately, the damage is already done, and the Feds are still involved in keeping tabs on people...I don’t see this issue going away any time soon...
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