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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. As for covid deaths, the vaccine has been available to everyone that wants it...but it’s not his job to force feed it to everyone...so if people are dying, that is on them, not DeSantis or Biden...people need to take responsibility for their own lives and stop blaming everyone else...the vaccinated do not protect other people by taking the vaccine...they only help themselves... Furthermore, I don’t feel he misplayed it at all...I like how he balanced giving info and protection (monoclonal antibodies) and allowing people to maintain their civil liberties... And as a result, Florida now has one of the lowest case and death rates in the country- without mandating a thing and keeping life going as usual...It truly is inspirational to freedom loving people everywhere...👍 As for the election task force, I’m not sure how I feel about that...it could be used for nefarious purposes, which leaves me skeptical...but we shall see...
  2. They live in an echo chamber... no independent thinking going on there...and if there is, like when Gupta was on Rogan, they reel you in real fast... Nobody ever watches CNN for real news anyway, though...👍
  3. You’re right...we only score 32 points a game...😉
  4. I don’t think most people take Jan 6 that seriously...more like a bunch of bozos acting like drunken frat boys, than an actual insurrection... Heck, I think most people have forgotten about it, to be honest...
  5. Good question...maybe because it would look too suspicious...
  6. Isn’t that around the same time they like to fly in the illegals- under the cover of darkness, when everyone’s asleep? 😉
  7. Well, I understand what you’re saying...but I think people tend to confuse being a capitalist with big government handouts (not socialism), and and being a socialist, where the state controls the means of production and distribution, as well as dictating the means of individual citizens of a society... ”Democratic” Socialists have worked tirelessly, over the years, to blur the lines between the two... Europe, for example, has high taxes, and spends a lot on government handouts- but they are not socialist...👍
  8. Democratic Socialists are Socialists...they just add the “Democratic” because they think it will make it easier for Americans to digest...think “lipstick on a pig”...👍 But make no mistake, there is nothing democratic about socialists...because in order to be democratic you have to believe in individual liberty- and socialists do not...they are Marxists... So the term “Democratic Socialist” is a mirage to distract from who they truly are...
  9. If Walton wins, it will be the biggest mistake Buffalo has made since Rex Ryan...
  10. What’s wrong with McAuliff’s face...looks like he just binged on on blue freeze pops...😂
  11. Just heard the mail-in ballots have yet to be counted...buckle up...
  12. I used to love MSNBC back in the early 2000’s...but I can’t even watch anymore because it’s just turned into extremist Left-wing propaganda...and Joy Reid is one of the biggest racists I’ve ever seen...
  13. When Allen finally learns to consistently take what the defense is giving him, we will win a Super Bowl...question is- can he contain his emotions long enough to be patient for an ENTIRE game? Stay tuned...👍
  14. Youngkin up 190,000 votes with 59% of the votes counted...
  15. Rumor has it, there are 100,000 mail in ballots on standby just in case needed...🤣🤣 Just kidding...but you know this what most people are probably thinking...😉 https://www.cnn.com/election/2021/results/virginia/governor Youngin 55% McAukiffe 43% 46% of vote counted
  16. It is kind of odd how this seems to keep happening, either in Democrat primaries or Democrat counties...
  17. People coming to their senses is always a beautiful thing... Top officials have already conceded we will not be able to achieve herd immunity by vaccination...and everyone will eventually get the virus...firing people, or segregating people over vaccination is so ridiculous, it’s silly...
  18. Those people are idiots, and the worst kind of Bills fan...
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