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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Meh...Doesn’t roll off the tongue like Bills Mafia...💪
  2. Completely agree... In fact, I was saying the same thing about Josh after the Titans game...he did the same thing on the 2nd to last drive, by continuing to throw deep 3 straight times (with the lead) instead of moving the chains, and running out the clock... His biggest strength is his biggest weakness, and he’s going to have to get over being bored with short passes, because that’s how the league is going to keep playing him...
  3. I hope the Bills actually care about winning this time... I can take a my team losing...what I refuse to take is my team not caring anymore...
  4. Then why did Mueller say he didn't? He was the Dem’s choice, and he had all of Hillary’s and Obama’s attorneys working for him to gather info... They had 2 1/2 years to do what they wanted and found nothing...time to move on...
  5. You trying to hold onto Trump/Russia collusion is like Fauci holding onto the narrative that the NIH didn’t fund gain-of-function research in Wuhan... Best of luck with that BillStime- speak your truth...👍🤣
  6. You would know because he is reading and commenting on public studies and reports- the same stuff that Sanje Gupta seemed to know nothing about on Joe Rogan... MSM doesn’t report on them because Big Pharma pays their bills...that’s why we have to dig for it, ourselves... The news on Youtube isn’t perfect, but neither is CNN, MSNBC, or FOX...but at least YouTube shows are independent... But don’t just take my word for it...try watching some for yourself...see what you think...
  7. I’m telling ya, man...the longer this thing plays out, the more this charade seems to be coming into focus... For me, it all started when the government/Fauci claimed they wanted to achieve herd immunity- but didn’t care about natural immunity...that was the clincher for me, that it wasn’t about curing covid, but rather prolonging it... The endless need for vaccines, along with staying in a “government emergency state” was ideal for the executive branch would never need congress to get anything passed... However, I don’t think the administration anticipated the blow back from the public once they started becoming hip to what was going on...
  8. This study was brought to you by Pfizer- where we create customers, not cures...😉
  9. I understand your point, but it’s important to show how the msm is bought and paid for by Big Pharma, and is purposely pushing fear propaganda to keep the pandemic going...👍
  10. It’s too soon for me...I’m not really in the mood to care about the Bills today...
  11. No need for mandates...enough people are taking it on their own...
  12. Yup...that should tell us all we need to know about the integrity of our mainstream media and why they have an agenda to turn us against alternative remedies to Covid...our politicians are the same way- just PR billboards for Big Pharma...👍 Why do you think everyone is overly scared? Because that’s exactly how Pfizer wants it- so our government will keep buying their product... Always remember- They never want this pandemic to end...so they need to buy off the media to keep us afraid...And it goes hand in hand with the social media censorship...
  13. The corporate media reminds me of the movie The Truman Show...Every time Truman starts to figure out what’s really going on in the fake reality that’s been created around him, the fake news on the radio, or television, is right there to explain away his “strange” discovery, and make him think he’s crazy...🤣🤣🤣
  14. Just a hunch, but I’m not sure Allen is efficient enough on the slant route to incorporate on it on a consistent basis...because I’ve been wondering, too, why we haven’t been seeing it...and if Allen was good at it, you would think they would use it...
  15. They are forced to because of Ford’s draft status...in their minds, they have to exhaust every last opportunity to see if he can play before they cut him loose...
  16. I don’t think the Bills’ problems are solvable this season...these are major issues...might just have to weather the storm until the offseason, unfortunately...
  17. Nope...we will be showcased on the sports shows, in a category with the Cowboys and Saints, as part of “Upset Sunday”...
  18. I’m not gonna feel bad when they lose because they deserve to...
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