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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Absolutely correct- vaccines do work...and so do other treatments...👍
  2. Why? They got the awards for being good little foot soldiers...😉
  3. I think having Klein gives the Bills great leverage in their negotiations with Edmunds...👍
  4. Exactly...I think there needs to be more of a distinction between egregious and inadvertent...it did not seem like it was AJ’s intent to hit the QB in the head, but because the QB was in the process of going down, the contact seemed inadvertent imo...
  5. Which means our search for pass rushers will continue after the season...
  6. At this time, they certainly appear like the superior team...we are just a 1-man show
  7. Man, I was same way...I don’t know that I’ve ever been more pissed off after a loss than I was last week- especially when the opposition said it looked like the Bills didn’t even care...I asked myself, if the players don’t care, then why the hell do I care? It was worse than a normal loss- it was a disgrace and an embarrassment... I seriously contemplated whether, or not, I was even going to watch this weeks game...so, if the Bills decide to stink up the joint again, it might be time to start rooting for draft position, because it would have been made clear that the team was going nowhere in their current configuration...fingers crossed they wake the hell up...👍
  8. Rand Paul said that scientists in Wuhan created a virus that mutates in a way that gives the appearance it is happening naturally, yet it was actually engendered to behave that way...that’s pretty f’d up, if you ask me...But it’s diabolically genius, if true, because it would keep the pandemic going indefinitely... The more info that comes out about Covid, the more it seems that there is a possibility it may have been planned, or at the very least, governments are using it to make pharmaceutical companies and themselves a ton a money, and to create authoritarian governments around the world, while not giving two shi#s about people...
  9. Meh...just tell the boss you had a close contact to covid and you’re getting tested...trust me, no one will want you around the office tomorrow...😉
  10. People are preparing for the coming war...😉
  11. This is why people like you should never have power...your lust for it is too great and unhealthy...👍
  12. God bless the Constitution! 👍 Now I can understand why the radical Left hates it so much- it thwarts their tyrannical authoritarianism...
  13. I don’t understand why you feel it necessary to insult people who disagree with you...people choosing not to get vaccinated are making an educated decision that they feel is best for them, just like people who decide to get vaccinated...there is nothing stupid about either choice imo... Furthermore, Biden’s top Covid expert has already claimed that vaccination will not end covid, and that it is, likely, here to stay...this is because vaccines don’t protect other people- they only protect the people taking them...so why do you care whether people get vaccinated or decide to go the monoclonal antibody route? They are both therapeutics that mitigate symptoms...
  14. I don’t know anyone against vaccines...but I know plenty of people against authoritarian mandates...👍
  15. Florida proving you don’t have to shut down society or mandate anything to have success over covid...👍
  16. I thought the title was gonna say “While Afghanistan was going down in flames, Kamala Harris was going down...” Well, you get the point...😉
  17. Look, everyone’s gonna get covid- either from an vaccinated person or unvaccinated person...So, taking the vaccine protects no one but yourself... We need to learn to just live with covid, because we will not be able to vaccinate our way out of this, according to the experts...Once we accept this reality, the better off we will be...👍
  18. If we are gonna get it, it’s a big deal... If we are not gonna get it, it’s not a big deal...😉
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