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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. First off, I don’t accept the premise that it is a white supremacy symbol just because a few left wing extremists want to pretend it is...just like I don’t accept the premise that men can have periods just because a few left wing wackos say so...😉
  2. She seems like a reasonable option for the right...I definitely want to get a closer look to see where she really stands on the issues...
  3. I hate to do this, but with all the injuries, I just don’t feel good about this game, and sense we might be running into a buzz saw... Colts 31 Bills 13 Hope I’m wrong 🤞
  4. Maybe I’m a little slow, but I’m not sure what that has to do with anything...
  5. They also have more empathy for black criminals than they do for black patriots...👍
  6. New facts about covid that need to start being acknowledged over old assumptions, when debating mandates... 1- The vaccine will NEVER end covid...We can’t vaccinate our way away from covid... 2- Per the CDC director, the vaccine does NOT stop transmission of the Delta variant... 3- Per Joe Biden’s director of covid response, Delta, along with further mutations are so contagious, EVERYONE will get it! It’s virtually unavoidable, even if the entire population is vaccinated... 4- So, no matter what, you are either going to get the virus from an unvaccinated person or a VACCINATED person...(so why do you care who you get it from?) 😉 5- The ONLY thing vaccines do is mitigate YOUR OWN symptoms- They DO NOT protect other people from getting the virus or getting sick... 6. Vaccinated people are just as likely to spread covid in their home just as much as unvaccinated, per a year long study... 7. Hospitalization rate for the unvaccinated is just 0.89%...(This is important because in a recent study, Democrats thought that it was around 90%, while Republicans thought it was around 50%...so our policies have basically been guided by wildly wrong assumptions caused by a fake media narrative). 👍 This is now what the science is saying, so if you refuse to acknowledge this stuff, you’re admitting that you don’t really care about the science...
  7. This is the other album I really enjoyed this year...I’m a sucker for albums that cover past eras of music, and this is Mayer’s tribute to the 80s...(I highly recommend watching the music videos as well...nicely done and very “tongue in cheek”) Great for in the car, it’s got vibes of Tom Petty, Eric Clapton, Paul Simon and more...And the melodies and guitar riffs are top notch, as usual...👍
  8. I am fine with the verdict, just like I was fine with the OJ verdict...I may or may not agree with the verdicts of our judicial system, but that’s why it’s up to the 12 people from those communities to decide if they want the accused to be free in their streets or not...While no justice system can ever be perfect, the beauty of our system is that the average person decides the fate of the accused...👍
  9. I always tell people, that because of his music, he literally saved modern music...He is like a Prince, MJ, and Stevie Wonder all in one...the Silk Sonic album with Bruno and Anderson Paak is unbelievable and should easily win album of the year imo...
  10. Because their world view is usually built on jealousy and resentment...They rely on constant negativity and grievance to fuel them...They basically feed of it, and it’s a recipe for a lifetime of misery imo...
  11. Depends who you ask...A Marxist will say they are the moderates and Liberals are white supremacists...Just like conservatives will say they are the moderates and a Liberals are communists...
  12. I like this type of thinking...but unfortunately, the parties are so far apart, they no longer share the same ideals anymore... There was a time when both parties agreed on the founding of the country, believed in free speech, civil rights, working towards a color blind society, and that men were not capable of getting pregnant...sadly, this is no longer the case... Both parties literally believe in the complete opposite things now- like foreign adversaries (except they share the same land)...and the parties are so big, and have so much money, their own survival and dominance seems to come before country- the exact fear that Washington wrote about in his farewell address...
  13. Unfortunately, you’re a couple weeks late Sundancer...already been proven vaccines won’t stop the spread of covid...according to CDC... And this is a BIG one because it has been a major argument for the “pro mandate” crowd...basically a game changer... https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2021/08/06/cdc_director_vaccines_no_longer_prevent_you_from_spreading_covid.html#!
  14. Well, I see you know how to vomit...now, are you capable an adult response with actual words, or is this not the forum for that? Asking for a friend...😉
  15. Where is it wrong? Or did you just respond without watching the full video?
  16. Here’s a little taste to get you started...the rest of the research is up to you...👍
  17. When did this start? Has the media always been this corrupt and we just didn’t notice?
  18. Two words... ***DIGITAL IDENTIFICATION*** This is the whole reason for everything happening now...tearing down the global monetary system in favor of Digital currency, Authoritarianism, post-modernist ideology- the new one-world religion, rioting paid for by the establishment to foment chaos and anarchy... Anyone who goes against these things will have their digital ID (or passport) revoked...they will be enemies of the state and become prisoners without needing to be behind bars...they will have access to nothing...the French have until December 15 to get their booster shots or their “green pass” is deactivated... Remember always wondering why a computer guy named a Bill Gates was so heavily involved in medical vaccines? Kinda strange, right? Well, in a 2018 interview he claimed that immunizations were going to be the pathway to global DIGITAL IDENTIFICATION... We have been set up, lied to, given the illusion that we have freedom and choice...All the while, we’ve just been chasing the dangling carrot and running in circles on the mouse wheel...We’ve been convinced to hate each other so much, we no longer see truth or even care if it exists... We argue about race, gender, and tomahawk chops...but it’s all a distraction from the main attraction going on behind the scenes... Just remember, the pharmaceutical companies and global elites always knew they wanted 100% global vaccination, even though they knew it would never end the virus...but that was never the goal, even though we were fed that lie...it was always DIGITAL IDENTIFICATION and authoritarian global control... Best of luck everyone...🤣🤣🤣😉
  19. Meh...unintended consequences are so overrated, B-Man...😉🤣🤣
  20. Terrifying...we are being slow boiled to death, and we’re watching it happen right before our eyes...
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