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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. You mean like Moss is about to be bounced around from team to team?
  2. This Bills squad is like Bad News Bears...just a constant calamity of errors....
  3. This game is officially over...and it’s not even halftime
  4. Not liking this nickle D we are playing...would like to see 3 LB’s out there...
  5. Good test for Josh to see if he can finally come back down two scores...
  6. If it makes you feel any better, I predicted the Colts winning 31-13
  7. Knox is like a bull in a China shop...I love it! 😉
  8. Hopefully not, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they did...
  9. Bills really need to regroup with the run D or it’s gonna be a long day at the office...
  10. That’s like asking if you want a turd sandwich or a turd casserole...either way, you’re eating s#!t...😉
  11. Actually, according to the ADL website you listed, it seems it is not a hate sign... The ADL goes on to say “the ok hand gesture” has several meanings in many different cultures...However, going back to the 1600s, it usually meant understanding, approval, or well-being...since the 1800s it became associated with the word “ok”... The ADL website goes on to describe the whole white supremacy aspect, you are referring to, as a hoax that was started back in 2017...the ADL then states that in 2019 some white supremacists started joining in on the hoax to troll people...but to this day, the overwhelming majority of people use it as symbolizing approval...👌 https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/okay-hand-gesture
  12. But which cult are you referring to? Because there are cults all over the place...👌😉
  13. So sad that people are faking crimes to manipulate people into doing what they want...there is truly no such thing as standards any more... 🤣🤣🤣 Its like the Left keeps writing stand-up comedy bits without even realizing it...and they wonder why no one can take them seriously...👍
  14. I don’t mind the idea of a moderate Dem so long as they are not controlled by the Postmodernist, CRT, gender ideology wing of the party... But Biden was supposed to be a moderate too...But because of who is controlling his decision making, he has become very extreme on some issues... I like candidates on the Left like Tulsi Gabbard...just a straight shooter with common sense...
  15. I do think people will run against Trump, and I think they should... I’ll even make a prediction that I don’t think Trump comes out of the primaries victorious...
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