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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I think just about everyone on here is anti mandate and pro vaccine...👍
  2. That’s how you know there’s an ulterior motive...Biden’s top covid response guy already acknowledged we are never getting rid of covid...best we can hope for is that it becomes endemic... This is our WW3- global fight against pharmaceutical tyranny and authoritarianism.... Welcome to the rebellion...👍
  3. Exactly...if people were that worried about the virus, everyone would get the shot...👍
  4. Such a shame, I feel like our chances at success are shot this year, as a result of this...
  5. We will learn nothing from this game...a victory will bring no satisfaction- same ol’ beating up on a crappy/injured team if we win...meh...
  6. Not prosecuting criminals based on race...
  7. That’s the beauty of our justice system- different jurisdictions seek different charges for certain crimes...and it usually depends on who is voted into office to prosecute the crime...👍
  8. The Left calls Jan. 6 an insurrection...Yet, to this day, of the dozens of people charged, none have been charged with insurrection...strange, because the mainstream media keeps insisting...🤔
  9. Narratives are like butt holes- everybody’s got one...but if you’re lucky, you can block it to find the truth...😉
  10. I can’t even...suspect should get the electric chair! 😡
  11. There’s an old saying...”There are lies, bigger lies, and statistics...” 😉
  12. Oh please...we all know you don’t work...😉
  13. Cower? Hardly... I faced covid head on and beat it, and I’m still against mandates...and I have no problem paying higher costs for better treatments...heck, if we have to pay for people to have 8 abortions, I’m sure people will be ok with this...👍
  14. Everyone needs to shelter in place- not just the unvaccinated...and studies are showing more and more vaccinated people becoming hospitalized with Covid due to the lower efficacy against Delta and newer mutations... The article is just another way the Establishment is trying to further divide society...don’t be fooled, especially now that there are other treatments available other than vaccination...👍
  15. A wise man once said, “The road to ruin is paved with good intentions.” The Left always claims to have a boat load of compassion for the downtrodden and underprivileged...However, unbridled compassion without wisdom leads to foolhardiness...we see this with just about every policy from the Left...And “Bail Reform” is no different...
  16. It’s a little disconcerting that our franchise QB hasn’t been able to lead any comebacks this year...You kinda need that quality if you’re going to win a super bowl...
  17. Some people fear freedom, because they don’t trust themselves to be responsible for their own lives...They actually feel better having someone else telling them what to do because it gives them a false sense of security...👍
  18. Once he finds a an unwrapped Snickers on the 50-yard line...😉
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