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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Biden implements travel bans on Africa after saying Trump was xenophobic for doing the same...🤔 Everyone starting to see how the game is played?
  2. I agree 100% with the bold print...I no longer care to follow the fake narratives that Big Pharma and the Authoritarian government is pushing...Pandemic is over as far as I’m concerned...swipe left...😉
  3. Everyone’s gonna get and give covid whether you’re vaccinated or not...
  4. I disagree with Flynn on this...”One nation under God” simply recognizes that all of humanity comes from a creator(s) and not man- meaning there is a higher law than man’s... Religion is a man made institution so I don’t like the idea of having one religion- because that would entail that the State use tyrannical power to force one religion onto to everyone- like they are attempting to do with Post Modernism ideology... No thank you...
  5. Ok, to start off, I’m sure him being Muslim has absolutely nothing to do with it...but everyone knows the Leftist strategy of calling “racism” when they don’t get their way...I’m sure Cruz just feels that the guy’s ideology and political leanings are too far left...and that if he were more moderate or conservative, Cruz would have no problem supporting him... See how easy that was? And the fact that he is a POC is completely irrelevant...👍
  6. The funny thing is, their silence means they likely do not agree with the violent murders...But it’s just not a hill they want to waste energy on because it doesn’t benefit their ideological narrative in any way... So the “liberals” will just allow the conservatives or moderates to fight this war, while they sit back and wait for an incident they can blame on white supremacy or MAGA people...
  7. Nobody’s laughing at that at all- just all the lies everyone keeps gullibly falling for...👍
  8. Actually been losing interest in the NFL altogether...probably don’t have more than a few years left anyway...👍
  9. Never left...I’ve never sugar coated things...never will...sorry if that hurts your feelings... Josh has great talent, but he is just not there mentally...
  10. Josh Allen does not have the “it” factor...gets rattled way too much for a championship caliber QB...
  11. We played covid wrong from the beginning...we just should have protected the most vulnerable and just let everyone else get the virus as quickly as possible...Dragging this thing out just allows it to keep mutating and hanging around longer...
  12. More CRT/Anti Racism at work... I’m telling you, this garbage permeates our whole society... Just like Antifa are the fascists, Anti-Racists are the racists...They literally say that in order to have equality, they must discriminate and be racist towards white people...That’s why the news coverage is the way it is... The word play is a strategy Marxists have been using for decades to confuse people...unfortunately, it has had some success, but people are starting to become hip to what’s going on...👍
  13. High rate, meaning still under 1%? Come on, man! 😉
  14. When number of deaths isn’t working, the media has to turn to hospital capacity numbers to scare people...and yet people fall for it, even though society is going on as normal for the most part...
  15. When looking for pro ready interior OL, Iowa has always been an o-line factory...👍
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