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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. You keep missing the point my friend- YOU taking the vaccine doesn’t protect other people...I realize a lot people are going to need some deprogramming of all the disinformation they’ve been fed the last 2 years...but it’s very important you start to accept that fact, or all of your vaccine arguments are going to be based on a false premise...👍
  2. Well vaccine is certainly 1 form of treatment...but now there are several others as well...so it’s not the only way to go if people so choose- and that’s a major point- freedom of choice...
  3. People have been working the whole time...we learned that society actually never needed to be shut down to begin with... Wanna beat covid? Everyone just needs to get it as soon as possible instead of dragging it out longer, allowing it to keep mutating imo...👍
  4. Common good of what? For the thousandth time, the CDC has already stated the shot does not stop you from getting or spreading covid...And Fauci just stated the vaccines won’t ever eradicate the virus...so, if you get the shot, you’re not protecting anyone but yourself... This has been common knowledge for quite some time...always amazes me when I hear people say that getting the shot protects society...No, it does not...Some of the highest infection rates around the world are countries and cities that that are highly vaccinated... If the only way for you to be protected is by someone else taking the vaccine, we’re in trouble...so everyone just needs to protect themselves as best you can, if you’re scared, and leave everyone else th hell alone- because it doesn’t do a damn thing...😉👍
  5. Ya know what’s interesting? All the time I would hear people say that America was the last line of defense for freedom around the world...and I never really knew what it meant until now... Watching other nations collapse into Authoritarianism, I realize the only difference between us and them is our Constitution...that’s why “they” hate it...because it helps to keep the authoritarian mob at bay, and I’m so grateful for it! 👍
  6. If mandates were legal, why did Biden, Pelosi, and Fauci say they were unconstitutional? Why try to go through OSHA if it’s legal to mandate? Why did a court suspend the mandate, sighting serious statutory and constitutional issues? I guess time will tell...
  7. The goal is endless vaccines No problem with private employer requiring vaccine...big problem with government imposing fines for non compliance... There’s a big difference, and that’s what people are against-Government hiding behind corporations to try and keep their own hands clean...It’s disingenuous and people can see through it...
  8. Yeah...we don’t know what this variant is gonna do, but why not get a shot for old time’s sake...🤣🤣😉
  9. Call them all the names you want...but you still can’t say how they are wrong...👍
  10. I really hope Groot pans out...but he always came off as soft to me, in college...and most of his sacks were of the “clean up” variety- not necessarily of his own creation...we passed on a lot of great talent for him...so fingers crossed...
  11. Maybe even CNN is starting to realize that only the fringe elements on the Left think that crap is ok...No sane person with half a brain is cool with that...
  12. I’m still annoyed the Bills did not take JOK...Hopefully Groot can make me forget about him...we shall see...
  13. But you can’t say they are wrong... If you wanna know why people don’t trust the media, this is a prime example...👍
  14. No problem...Fauci and his minions will just roll out the next variant on the list...it’s a world of endless possibilities...😉
  15. That a black racist, who claimed he wanted to take out as many white people as possible, was driving the car? 👍 CNN- racist news coverage America can depend on...🤣
  16. Exactly...we’ve already been functioning this whole time 🤣...so sad that people actually take this guy seriously...
  17. Rand Paul is on record saying that he has information suggesting that the mutations appear to be evolving naturally, but in fact, have been engineered to look that way- and to continue on indefinitely... If this is true, then this whole thing is a charade, designed for psychological manipulation, and sinister global authoritarian control...stay tuned... Welcome to the rebellion...
  18. Something tells me the “experts” don’t fear this at all....😉
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