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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. This stuff is getting insane! More and more info coming out suggests the FBI and other intelligence agencies, as well as political agents, are behind a lot of these activities, or at least influencing them...you really can’t trust anything anymore- even if you see it with your own eyes...
  2. I wouldn’t be surprised...they usually focus on things most of the country doesn’t...
  3. Hard to say what I think we should do...All I know is I hate getting involved in other people’s battles...
  4. Absolutely...you never hear the CDC or NIH or Fauci talking about vitamin D, or zinc, or monoclonal antibodies, etc...it’s so crazy to think about...and because of that, most people don’t know about them, or where and how to get them...it’s almost like they don’t really care about your health and safety....🤔 Anyway, my mother was unvaccinated, 75 years old, immune system destroyed by her fight with cancer last year...she’s overweight and has diabetes...she was a prime candidate for covid to take her life... She had been taking the vitamins and I told her to go to the hospital and and ask for monoclonal antibodies when she first started showing symptoms... I am happy to report she is alive and well today, only having mild symptoms...👍 Crazy thing is, she said that had she not asked, she did not think they were going to give her the treatment, and she thanks me for telling her about it...But when she was getting ready to leave the hospital the doctor asked if she wanted the shot now...she answered, “why would I? I have the antibodies now”...🤣🤣🤣 Thats my mother- one bad ass B word! 😉
  5. The biggest problem this country still has with covid has nothing to do with the unvaccinated...It has to do with the false premise “pro mandate” people still have- that the vaccinated do not spread covid, only the unvaccinated... Once they realize this is not true and unscientific, 90% of their argument goes away...
  6. Well, this is certainly how the Left are defining the issue to try to win the argument...But the Left’s definition of “racism” is different than the Right’s...
  7. I see what ya did there...well played, sir...well played... 😉 Yup...this is exactly what I went through...that’s why my doctor recommended I take an extra 10 days off from work after my two week bout with covid...
  8. This is fantastic...once you start to question things logically, you start to notice more and more things beginning to reveal themselves...nice to see Trevor finally waking up- even if it’s just for a moment...👍
  9. Yup...gotta keep that Big Pharma cash flowin’ baby! 🤣🤣🤣 This message brought to you by Pfizer...🤣🤣🤣
  10. If you two had a TV show, I would watch every week...
  11. Wow, this is pretty remarkable...I’m sure everyone who watches CNN and MSNBC thinks all Floridians are dying in the streets because there’s no more rooms in the hospitals...😉
  12. Everything this man says, I will do the opposite...if every natural instinct he’s ever had has been wrong, then the opposite would have to be right....😉
  13. I’m sure she was coached to say that...sounds like something a Left wing politician would say...😉
  14. Ok...so here’s the deal...Because it happened so long ago, I had to go back to remember where I heard it... Now, there were several speeches on the topic, as well as Q&A’s afterwards... The Trump interaction I was referring to in my post happened not to be a speech, but actually a Q&A, that was also used, later on, during the first impeachment...So, I apologize for any confusion... I will also concede that the “very fine people” (:24) and “I’m not talking about Neo Nazis” (1:14) quotes are slightly further apart than I recalled. But the point of message is still encapsulated in the 2 plus minutes of video...👍
  15. Check...and...mate!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Now their corruption is in clear view for all to see! It’s never been about the testing, the virus, or the vaccines...what a joke...
  16. I’m against it, personally...but there are too many gray areas to feel comfortable with the government intervening...
  17. Ding ding ding! We have a winner! 👍 Isn’t it amazing what a little common sense can do? So easy, yet so very hard for some to grasp...😉
  18. They are right, Billsy...if you look at the full transcript, when Trump said “there were very fine people on both sides,” he was clearly referring to the regular people honestly for and against the statues. How do we know this? Because the very next sentence from Trump, that the msm conveniently omits, is when he says, “...and I’m NOT talking about the Neo Nazis or white supremacists...” It was done on purpose by the msm to create a negative narrative about Trump...and if you only watch CNN or MSNBC, you never would’ve known the full story, because they are not about truth...they are only about trying to make him what they want him to be... So, to this day there are people who continue to spout the false claim that Trump said white supremacist were good people...it’s just flat out wrong and the people who keep pushing it look very ignorant and foolish...👍
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