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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. While I agree with you about this point, personally, I thought his biggest mistake was not going for the 2 point conversation after the TD...it pretty much dictated our offensive play calling of the rest of the game- we had to play for a TD instead of a FG to tie and then a FG to win...much different type of pressure... I kept telling my wife, its not guaranteed that you’re going to be able to score again- especially in that weather...so why not try to tie the game, with a 2 point conversion, while you have the opportunity? Whether you’re down 1 or 2 points makes no difference...I was really pissed about that decision and predicted it would come back to haunt them- and it did... One of the bigger boneheaded decisions I think McD has ever made...just shows low IQ for in game decision making, to me...
  2. This season they should pass more because that’s what they are built for... However, this offseason they should build a more physical team to have more success running when other teams shut down the pass...
  3. Probably went into the game overly cocky...
  4. (1) I’d like to see Mitch Morse salary invested elsewhere...He was what the team needed when he first came over, but I think he limits the potential of our OL...wouldn’t mind seeing him cut after the season...We have guys on the roster who can fill in, while we pick his replacement in the draft... (2) Been saying for over a year now that this time would come for Trumaine Edmunds...And there will never be a better time to get as much value out of him, in a trade, than after this season...After 4 years I honestly believe he has reached his ceiling and will never be anything better than what he currently is... Because we are limited with our salary cap, this team simply cannot afford to be giving out big contracts to non playmakers...it would limit our potential for years to come...Get a bottom 1st rounder, two 2nd rounders- I don’t care...He is never the LB we miss when he is out of the lineup, and that should tell you all you need to know... Of course there are other guys with expiring contracts I would let walk, or other guys I would cut...But these two moves would be the toughest decisions, and would show me that this organization has balls, and really wants to win, instead of staying attached to mediocre talent...
  5. I love the first one...👍 I don’t see anything wrong with this at all...the girl has an expert trainer holding the gun and the girl for protection...plus she is probably learning about respect for the fire arm and safety as well...I actually think all young people should be taught this...👍
  6. Yup...been saying this for months...the pandemic is over...time to go back to normal life again...it’s getting a little comical now, with governors not wanting to give up their emergency powers...😂 Covid is already well on its way to becoming like the seasonal flu- and we have a ton of remedies...All we have to do now is just hope China and the NIH don’t juice up anymore viruses to to try and kill us all again...👍
  7. The Bills are weak against good teams...And I think this is frustrating a lot of players because they are realizing they are not a complete enough team to compete at a higher level, now that the rest of the league has their number... IMO the Bills will have to do some deep soul searching this offseason, and make some tough decisions about retooling their team...the current squad is simply not championship caliber, and some (previously perceived) cornerstone players may have to go in order to get better... This is no time for sentimentality, bruised egos, or getting attached to certain players...This is a cut throat business, and if certain players are stagnating, limiting the growth and potential of the team, they must be cut loose or traded...
  8. No...we overpay mediocre FA’s and miss on OL and DL draft prospects constantly...
  9. I liked Edmunds better when his name was Kelvin Sheppard...😉
  10. Except we still don’t have our Thurman Thomas yet...😉
  11. It’s a multi pronged attack- striking at the heart of our foundational beliefs, in an effort to eradicate individual liberty and autonomy, in favor of a new global collectivist ideology (that really isn’t all that new)...
  12. Unfortunately, the people he lists do not have institutional power like the Marxists...
  13. This is so true...we really need upgrades at all the skill positions 👍
  14. I agree about McD...I never thought he had a high IQ when it came to game management...feel like I’m always screaming at the tv, telling him to take a TO, or go for 2, or a 4th down, etc...just obvious stuff my generation learned from video games... I feel like he never learned the obvious stuff... He’s a great guy, but I just don’t know if he is super bowl caliber...
  15. Sad part is Josh hasn’t been clutch either this year...He hasn’t been able to come back 1 time...
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