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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I’d rather die from Covid than be force medicated by the State...😉
  2. Now, Tibs, I know you’re smart enough to know that the spreading of covid is not limited to the unvaccinated...just look at our football team...😉 You taking the vaccine does not make someone else healthier...but I’m sure you knew this already as well- which makes the title of this thread a moot point...Everyone is spreading the virus, my friend...👍
  3. The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos, who is a left wing, Democrat supporter... so, if you’re wondering why the article is disingenuous, and slanted against conservatives, there’s your answer...”fool me twice- ya can’t get fooled again...” 😉
  4. The part about the detention facilities starts around 5:00...
  5. Never been about science, AND it’s never been about the virus, and achieving herd immunity... It’s about keeping the public so afraid that they will allow the government to continue to use authoritarian “emergency powers” to pass legislation they would not otherwise be able to pass through Congress... Just like Korea and Vietnam were proxy wars with the Soviet Union, the “Covid pandemic” is being used like a proxy war for a far bigger agenda of a bio-medical police state across the entire globe...and anyone who disagrees or disobeys will be sent detention camps (like NYS is currently trying to pass through its legislature)... This is it, man...this is where I draw my line in the sand...it doesn’t end with Covid- this is just the beginning and people need to wake up... Live free or die...there is no alternative for me...👍
  6. None of our 3 DE picks, the last few years, are producing...should we be concerned?
  7. My taint is a little tender, but I should be good to go on Sunday...😉
  8. Better to stay inland instead of the coasts because of hurricanes, you think?
  9. I have never been, and an seriously looking to get out of NYS before sh!t hits the fan...any help would be appreciated...thanks! 👍
  10. I’ve never been, and am seriously looking to get out of NYS before sh!t hits the fan...any help would be appreciated...thanks! 👍
  11. Racial equity is not only misguided, but impossible without tyrannical government force...It is actually the opposite of equality, and anyone who advocates for it shows how ignorant they are of history, and how much they need to read a book...👍
  12. That wasn’t really the issue at all...everyone who watches football knows josh is one of the top 5 players in the league physically...the issue has always been ‘could josh combine the mental aspect of being a QB with the physicality, to become a complete QB’? I think we really saw Josh take another step in maturing mentally, as a QB against the Pats...👍
  13. Yesterday was definitely a step in the right direction...as one Buffalo commentator said, it was probably the “smartest” game Allen has played in his career, up to this point... I have to agree- Allen played a very cerebral game against the Pats, taking what the defense gave him...And then using his elite physical talent when needed...👍
  14. Josh played the kind of game the team needed...👍👍👍💪💪💪
  15. Ok I’ve made my peace with it- I’m ready for the Bills collapse now...
  16. Don’t like how this game is finishing...I’ve read this story one too many times...
  17. Because he already used a TO on defense...didn’t want to burn anymore...😉
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