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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. If so, then these seem like policies I could definitely get behind...sounds very reasonable...
  2. About time...one less racist spewing hate is a good thing...👍
  3. I’ve always thought I was set in my ways...And then sometimes, I unexpectedly, change my mind in the middle of a conversation...I think we are always changing, maturing, evolving...we have to, right? The key is that BOTH Right and Left have legitimate points to make...but the secret to success in a society is that it takes a balance of moderation from both...you need motivation/incentive combined with compassion- but if either side has too much influence, you start to see a deterioration of civilization...and the hard part is knowing the right amount of each in an ever evolving world...👍
  4. Hey man, not sure it helps your cause if you call everyone who disagrees with you, part of a cult...it just makes people shut down to what you’re trying to say- even if you have good points to make... Imo, issues tend to be more nuanced and overlapping, and less black and white...👍
  5. Well, I don’t recall, specifically, what you disliked about his voting policies...so I will say this- I have yet to hear anything, personally, that seems like it would be unconstitutional... Now, maybe there is something, and I just haven’t heard of it yet- I don’t know...But that’s why I posted that I’m still waiting to find something I don’t like about him, and that I’m always open to being persuaded about anything...👍
  6. What is he doing to suppress voting rights? Win me over, Tibs- I am open to being persuaded...👍
  7. First order of business- survival...😉
  8. Oh great! Now we’re not going to be able to steer clear of the dumb athletes...
  9. Don’t follow college too close...what’s the portal?
  10. So far, so good for Mr. DeSantis...I’m still waiting to find something I don’t like about him...😉
  11. Josh has admitted he gets bored checking down...unfortunately, sometimes boring football moves the chains and wins games...
  12. Only reason I would be worried is because you never know which Josh will show up...
  13. Unfortunately, I have to disagree...these people are drunk on the power now...and I don’t see them ever giving it up... Sadly, I see any little cold or illness being labeled a new “variant” of covid just so they can force people into the direction the State wants them to go...hence the politicization of covid- because it’s not about health, but rather politics- the politics of tearing down the old system and installing a new one, where the individual has no control over themselves...
  14. Whenever you’re called a racist by the Left, you know you must be doing something right...🤣🤣🤣 They only call you racist when you’re not doing what they want...👍
  15. Absolutely correct...to me, the pandemic is over...it’s only the people that want to manipulate the situation that keep it going...civil disobedience is definitely in order, and I do it daily...😉
  16. It’s because the Left desires everyone to be as miserable as they are...
  17. I love it! I wish I could live there...they are so lucky...👍
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