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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. This is a great question, and one that many people have misconceptions about… People assume that if you’re Latino that you should automatically be for illegal immigration, if those people are of the same race… The fact of the matter, is, in fact, quite the opposite…Latinos who voted are American citizens- which means they, or their parents, or grandparents had to go through an extensive process to become a citizen…They had to sacrifice everything, to work their way up to where they are now…It means something to them… Plus, American Latinos don’t appreciate that their hard earned tax dollars are going to illegal migrants, who did not properly earn the right to a citizenship, as they did…American Latinos don’t appreciate that illegal migrants are being handed everything after they had to work so hard to get to where they are now… When you combine the fact that inflation has decreased their buying power, and now their tax dollars are going to illegals, it becomes clear why they voted the way they did…👍
  2. It’s actually more tame than I thought, given how they’ve talked about him the last 4 years…Sure, Sonny and Joy are visibly upset, but I can respect that they are keeping it relatively classy…
  3. Ha! You called him Head…🤣🤣🤣
  4. For all those interested, The View starts in 20 minutes! 🤣🤣🤣
  5. Oh boy…I have a feeling this thread may go down as the greatest ever…🤣🤣🤣
  6. While I agree with everything you’re saying, the one thing Trump has on his side is that ALL media outlets have already called the election for him- meaning his victory is already marinating in the minds of everyone… Whether she concedes or not, trying to overturn the election will not sit well with people, and will be viewed as an insurrection… That being said, I think the legal challenges will just be a formality, to show her supporters they did everything they could, like Trump did in 2020, but to no avail… Any judge that attempts to overturn anything understands that it will directly lead to civil war, with the democratic process being on Trump’s side… Therefore, I’m not worried about the litigation…I’m actually more concerned about another potential assassination attempt before the inauguration…
  7. So much for the Washington Commanders win being a prediction for the election…😉
  8. The fact that the professor felt he had to use the term “goddamn” to describe how dumb Trump was, tells me there is an underlying partisan hatred and resentment for Trump, and that he’s not just describing a student who simply performed poorly… If he didn’t hate Trump, he wouldn’t feel the need to say “goddamn”…Therefore he really can’t be trusted because of his inherent bias, imo…
  9. I agree… But it’s important to keep this in mind- while it is now time for Trump to deliver, remember that the activists in the MSM are going to be working overtime to ensure Trump never sees a victory, and will oppose him at every turn (unlike how they treated Obama, Biden, and Harris). Whenever he does something undeniably positive, for the country, they will feel it’s their job to spin it negatively, for their viewers, and their ideology… Trump won’t be perfect (no one ever is)…But I just thought it was important to remember that when consuming news about him…👍
  10. Make sure to watch clips from The View…Those tears will taste the sweetest…😉
  11. Anyone else not wanting to go to bed, like me? I just want to bask in this moment and consume as much media as possible…🤣🤣🤣
  12. Yup…Trump’s win was so overwhelming, no amount of cheating could stop this red wave…👍
  13. Finally! The red wave has arrived! 👍
  14. CBS News finally calls PA for Trump 👍
  15. There was a Dem congressman, I think Raskin, that said that’s what they were going to do… Now, I don’t know if he was talking out his ass or not…
  16. If Dems win the House, can they choose not to certify Trump?
  17. Its like they’ve stepped outside their cave, for the first time, and realized there was a whole world out there…👍
  18. The fat lady has not sung yet
  19. Still having a hard time seeing Trump winning…
  20. They didn’t F up on the border at all…In fact, everything went exactly according to plan…😉
  21. Yes but the media didn’t really cover it…you know- the mostly peaceful type of course…😉
  22. Just voted for the orange man! 👍
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