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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. But we have McMeathead, who is one hell of a clapper, from what I hear...gotta be worth something, right? 😉
  2. Yeah, it sux... Hopefully, he can just take some time off and come back after a season...The show just won’t be the same without Captain Fat Belly...😉
  3. I tried, Doc... Sometimes people just shut down if a response is outside their prescribed narrative- no matter how fair and balanced you try to be...
  4. What did my post just say? “The best way to combat wrong info is more info, not less...” 👍
  5. But there is disinformation on both sides...but only one side is being censored... This is why the best combat of wrong info is more info, not less...👍 Censorship is fascist, not liberal...Nazis censor, Marxists censor- not free democracies...👍
  6. It’s so funny...The Left complains that they fear people will judge the nominee as an “Affirmative Action Appointment”...Yet they are the ones who created that environment by basing their choice, strictly, on race... I swear, how do these people’s brains not explode from the mental gymnastics, they constantly have to perform, to defend their positions? 😉
  7. I think I’ve seen enough Levi Wallace, unless you can get him dirt cheap...
  8. Nobody....I will be watching movies...
  9. I don’t consider myself super intelligent...but I believe I am, at least, an intellectually curious liberal...👍 And for the record, censorship is not a Liberal cause, but a fascist one...Any real liberal, worth their salt, fully understands this concept...
  10. Another perfect example of political agendas posing as credible “fact checkers”...
  11. Only if you are satisfied with mediocrity...😉 I want a RB that the other team has to account for...nobody cares about where Singletary is, on the field- and that, ultimately, holds the potential of the offense back...👍 We can do better...
  12. I won’t be watching any games today...and I certainly won’t be watching the super bowl...it would just piss me off too much...
  13. Not your fault, at all, for not knowing that the NFL has rules based on race...😉 It’s a very “cringe” thing to talk about...and every time a minority candidate gets a promotion, the first thing people will think of, is that teams and fans are more happy getting the draft picks than losing the coach...what an embarrassment for the minority coach...
  14. Such a joke...can’t believe the league is not embarrassed by that ridiculous rule...
  15. It’s because most of know the team is cursed, and the football gods will never allow a handful of teams to ever win...😉
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