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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. No more ***** footing around in FA...time to go all in...👍
  2. I know- pretty wild that we’ve been lied to by our government and the media... They base it on the fact that a significant majority of those deaths had other primary co-morbidities that caused the death, but because they tested positive for covid, those deaths were simply attributed to the virus... This is why the CDC director finally admitted, last month, that they are, just now, starting to acknowledge a difference between dying from Covid and dying with Covid- whereas, death reports did not previously distinguish between the two... So, say you had gone to the hospital for a car accident, for example, or a gun shot wound, or heart disease, or cancer...And they tested you for Covid, to see how best to treat you, in case you were positive...If you ended up dying from your wounds or your co-morbidities, it was counted as a covid death... Now, why would they wanna do that, you might ask...Well, I have my suspicions...But the bottom line is that the number of covid deaths is not nearly as accurate as the “official” total suggests, and yet we continue to base so much of our public policy off those numbers...🤔
  3. https://voterga.files.wordpress.com/2020/11/press-release-cdc-admits-overreporting-covid-deaths.pdf
  4. Nobody practices dividing people with identity politics like the great US of A... I can go to any African nation and, because I am light skinned, they would consider me white...But here, I am an “oppressed” black man, who happens to own a house and two cars, and is living the American dream...Lol...Oh yah, and if I disagree that I am oppressed, then I’m not really black anymore, but actually a white supremacist...🤣🤣🤣 If you ever wanna know what’s really destroying this nation, look no further than this type of psychological warfare that seeks to divide the country, along color lines, instead of bringing people together...👍
  5. I’m still having a hard time forgiving McMeathead for that blunder...I’ve been saying for years, that he has a low football IQ when it comes to in-game decision making...And now I will probably resent him until he wins a super bowl, unfortunately...
  6. It’s already been proven that the number of people that actually died because of covid is far less than that...you’re only a year behind, but we still love you anyway...😉
  7. Funny you should say, because a few years ago, I thought he had darker skin too...😉
  8. Yup...disgusting monsters, blinded by their lust for power, control, and money...may God save us all...
  9. I disagree...because when the government spouts lies, they are never “fact checked”, censored, or banned... The Biden administration made it clear, early on, when their press secretary admitted they were working with Big Tech platforms to make sure they were aligned with the Establishment narrative...And any other fact or opinion from a medical professional, that did not agree, shall not be tolerated (even though the government has been wrong many times during the pandemic)... The CDC director also came out last month and admitted covid protocols were not based on the science, but rather what they thought the American people can tolerate...Lol... The Federal government has proven, time and again, that their agenda has nothing to do with health, and most of the world has now become hip to that...the pandemic is over...game is over...👍
  10. Do you know what his 40 time is? I saw a couple videos, and while he appears to have great hands, he didn’t appear to be overly fast or quick...
  11. ‘Ducks’ certainly exist, but you have to look at each situation on a case by case basis...it’s not a ‘one size fits all’... A couple years ago there was a higher percentage of black HCs than percentage of black males in the population, at large...but, because of turnover, there is always gonna be movement up and down- ebbs and flows...This happens to be a down year... But I’ll tell ya one thing- black people suing teams for racism is not going to help the cause imo...In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if it scares owners away from hiring them, even more...who wants to take that chance? Certainly not me, and I’m black... I’ve said before, but I’ll say it again- trying to socially engineer society through identity politics is only going to hurt minorities in the end (see Colin Kaepernick...he became radioactive).
  12. Lol...Not sure why that’s a big deal, but to each, his own...😉
  13. Well, in today’s modern world, society is taught to find racism in everything- even where it might not exist...
  14. Perfectly said and exactly how I feel... I see too many people getting bogged down in the “weeds” of ‘who said what, and when’... All of that is a moot point imo...just because teams are forced to interview certain people, it doesn’t mean that they HAVE to feel a certain way about them, one way or the other...Lol...it’s all just getting a bit ridiculous to me... I mean, what are we really talking about here? We either believe that owners have the right to feel how they wanna feel about potential hires, or we believe that owners should be tyrannically forced, by the league (or State) to hire people, simply because of their skin color, just to meet to meet some quota...and that opens up a whole other can of worms... Its like I’ve always said- the situation with black QBs in the 50s and 60s was similar to this coaching “issue”...but you didn’t need a Rooney Rule to get more black QBs into the league...it just happened organically, because their talent was undeniable, and teams realized that if they wanted to win, then certain biases needed to be put to the side...Now, POC make up some of the best QBs in the league- and rules were never put in place to make it so...👍
  15. How? I thought he was a progressive California hippie? 😉
  16. You may be right...I’m just waiting see if anything else comes out of the Dolphins situation, to be sure...that seems like a story that has many layers... That being said, I’m still not sure anything can be done legally...it seems more of an internal affairs type of situation imo...
  17. Unfortunately, they weren’t very good picks...
  18. I would actually trade up ahead of the Pats for Davis...He’s going to be a Star! 👍
  19. From what I’ve seen so far, Flores has no case against the Giants...His argument is all based on emotion, not legality...
  20. Yup, totally agree with this... I don’t ever think our D will truly be elite with Edmunds as the field General... Unfortunately, as long as Frazier is here, I think we are stuck with a mediocre player leading our defense...
  21. You sure it’s not Brian Daboll who is suing the NFL? 😉
  22. I’m not sure BB sending a text message violates anything...People can feel any way they wanna feel about that disclosure...But the Rooney Rule only requires that a team interviews two minority candidates...The Giants met that obligation, regardless of when they settled on their final decision...
  23. Whenever you base rules on identity politics, no matter how good the intentions, it is only inevitable that people will question whether a hire is because of race...(The road to ruin is paved with good intentions...?) When identity politics are part of the rules, a minority coach will never get the benefit of doubt of being hired based on merit...It also teaches young people that they might not have to try as hard, because people are, already, actively looking to hire them, anyway, simply because of the color of their skin... Now, it doesn’t mean that the minority coach isn’t, necessarily, qualified for a promotion- it’s just that people will never know for certain and will question the motives whenever race is pushed to the forefront...And there in lies the “catch-22” of identity politics...and in my humble opinion, it actually hurts minorities, in the long run, more than it helps, because of all these factors...
  24. Only if he identifies as black...😉
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