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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Well done, Jim, in helping another person wake up from their Mass Formation Psychosis...it’s like splashing water on a sleeping person’s face...😉 You are actually helping these people heal, by freeing them from their mental prison...👍
  2. Are you trying to insinuate that Biden did this for his son? That’s what I call one badass dad...👍
  3. No, I’m still pissed off...and still can’t believe how dumb our coaches are...does not give me confidence in them, moving forward...
  4. Well, since crack is fantastic, it would have to be the latter... Crack also gives my teeth character...
  5. Right now, Frazier and McMeathead are in my “doghouse”...only way out, for them, is a super bowl win...👍
  6. You don’t even need the #1 pick...there will be better pass rushers than Rousseau in the teens...👍
  7. You’re damn right he was standing in the way...And we need more people like that...👍
  8. Wow...I never thought of it that way...this is excellent insight...Thanks...👍
  9. Why does this sound so familiar? 🤔
  10. Science doesn’t change, but politics might...😉
  11. That’s actually a good point...And I’d always rather get something than nothing...👍
  12. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/why-biden-admin-handing-out-free-crack-pipes-1677439%3famp=1 Personally I think it’s a nice gesture, especially to the under privileged...I mean, let’s keep it real, everyone deserves their own crack pipe...ain’t nobody want somebody else’s saliva coating your lips when your trying to hit the ‘moon rock’...Biden gets my vote of approval on this one...👍
  13. Looks like they are not for civil liberties anymore...Lol I wonder what happened to this organization...
  14. Maybe now, Steven A Smith will finally shut the hell up...😉
  15. He has certainly been more consistent in the mid rounds, compared to the top of the draft...
  16. True, but I think people are trying to highlight that Beane hasn’t evaluated talent, in the top of the draft, very well... Diggs is an outlier because he was already a star in the league...So, while the Bills did get good value, it’s really outside the point of the argument...
  17. And I will continue not to comply...😉
  18. Agreed...other than Allen and Diggs, Beane is certainly not getting value the first two rounds...Would rather trade those picks for proven vets if Beane can’t come through in the draft... I’d give the 2021 draft class a C- thus far...
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