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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. It’s so funny how clearly embarrassed she is, and doesn’t know how to react to the situation...
  2. I disagree...there were actual positive outcomes, for the country, that Trump helped to produce...Everything Biden touches, just seems to fail... The biggest illustration of this is that, in a recent poll, 6 of 10 Americans don’t think he has done anything right...And nearly 50% of Democrats don’t even want him to run again...So that is definitely a bipartisan opinion about the current president- both Left and Right are not happy...
  3. Possible...could also be a ‘plant’...I think, at this point, everyone is privy to how intelligence agencies work to undermine certain causes... Also, given the way the Establishment is in lock step, trying to paint this movement as ‘far right’ or ‘white supremacist’, it’s certainly not out of the realm of possibility...
  4. Yup...the science is clear...the pandemic is over...people shouldn’t feel a need for mandates anymore, unless there are ulterior motives at play imo- in which case, this protest means a whole lot more than just mandates...
  5. Wow...I can’t believe what we are witnessing- so inspiring! 👍
  6. I think we will reading about this in the history books...so inspiring...workers around the world- unite! 👍
  7. No doubt...misinformation abounds everywhere...
  8. Since when did not wanting QR codes become extreme? 🤣🤣👍 An earlier video I posted showed a trucker saying just as much...The vaccines are not about health, but getting everyone on a digital ID registry... Just look what they have been doing in Australia... This is the REAL agenda of getting everyone vaccinated and it should scare the shi# out of us all! In a 2018 article, Bill Gates said the pathway to digital ID is through immunization...That is exactly what’s happening now...Everyone will lose all privacy/freedom and be controlled by the state through Big Tech... EVERYTHING they call a conspiracy theory comes true! 👍
  9. I have a bad feeling about this, B...this could get ugly real fast...
  10. Is this the spark that ignites a Civil War? Stay tuned...
  11. True, but I’d still like to see better talent at RB...Singletary will always be mediocre, not threatening anybody....
  12. Would love to trade him straight up for Mack...👍
  13. Are you kidding?!?!? Daboll has seen Edmunds play, up close...he don’t want none of that...🤣🤣🤣 We gotta find a ‘sucker’ team...😉
  14. Just my own speculation, but I wouldn’t be surprised by a big offseason move involving Edmunds- and not because of the Dodson signing...😉
  15. They might as well cancel life altogether, because the entire universe was created unequal... PS I would wear the shirts anyway...😉
  16. Maybe, McMeathead was too distracted by his own McClapping...
  17. And then they will say “The science has changed...” 😉
  18. Hopefully not...I really enjoy being the lone rebel, in the grocery store, not wearing a mask...just seeing all the disturbed looks on everyone’s face was oddly gratifying...😉
  19. While I’m not disagreeing, the question becomes- do you trust Beane to make a good pick, given his track record in the top of the draft? Because if the answer is ‘no’, an argument could be made that more picks might be best for this regime, not less...But I do like the idea of either trading up this year, or trading for a proven vet...👍
  20. They better be...that’s probably one of the most meaningful things the government has done for equity in a long time...please don’t dash my hopes for the future...👍
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