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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Glad the Bengals lost...they continue to be cursed just like us...
  2. Oh please...they couldn’t hold Edmund’s jock...😉
  3. It feels like these aren’t the best teams
  4. McBeane are addicted to the Carolina hash...😉
  5. Hey Edmunds, that’s how you play the run...👍
  6. I’m just rooting for the Bengals to not lose by more than 3...😉
  7. Yup...I have absolutely ZERO excitement for this game...
  8. You can use that argument for any publication...But then you’re never learning anything... Best way to go is just read it, but compare it to other view points to get a more well rounded view imo...👍
  9. While I completely empathize with you, and your concerns appear sincerely genuine, there are very legit arguments, making the case, that there were ulterior motives in trying to make the virus seem worse than it was... From hospitals getting paid for covid cases/deaths, to Bill Gates saying in a 2018 article, that the pathway to digital ID is through immunization, to certain politicians saying “Never let a good crisis go to waste” and then using their granted ‘emergency powers’ to push through their own political agendas, to the government suppression of early treatments, to Pfizer sponsoring all of the mainstream media’s pushing of the vaccines, etc etc... I could go on, but it would take all day...But you get the point...That’s why it’s imperative you do your own research on this matter...The mainstream media and Big Tech are just PR mouth pieces for the Establishment, who is, in turn, bought and paid for by Big Pharma...And Big Pharma’s job is never to benefit you, as much as it is to benefit themselves...👍
  10. I disagree with Trump on that issue, and agree with the court’s ruling that you posted...But I still don’t see how pushing back particular sex education, until the kids are older, is anti gay...can you help explain?
  11. Yeah, I don’t see this as anti-gay...But rather not wanting schools to teach about sex or sexual identity at such a young age, until kids are better able to understand these concepts...👍
  12. This does not seem like a conservative view, but rather an elitist one... But maybe I’m wrong...can you give an example of a conservative who feels this way, so I can better understand where you’re coming from? Thanks...👍
  13. It already is... Watergate was bad...this is 10 times worse, with all of the hoops that were jumped through to frame Trump...I’m not even a big Trump fan, but you gotta call a spade a spade...Otherwise, you’re just a partisan hack...👍
  14. It’s so “cringe” that people still believe the LIE, that someone else getting the vaccine is going to protect YOU...so sad how brainwashed people continue to be, even after the experts tell them that their views are false... Mass Formation Psychosis...
  15. It could, but the overwhelming amount of evidence does not seem to show that that is the case...the demands of the truckers is quite clear, and it is not ideological, like some other protests we have seen in the past... Now, is it possible that a few fringe elements, with ulterior motives, might see this situation as an opportunity, and take advantage of the moment? Certainly...that is unavoidable in a mass movement of this magnitude...but, if that happens to be the the case here, it shouldn’t distract or minimize the main purpose of what the Trucker protest stands for- and that’s freedom...👍
  16. The point of the poll is to show that, if a majority of American voters originally elected Biden, clearly people’s minds have shifted, as now the majority is unhappy with the results... Furthermore, polls are what politicians use to decide what direction their agenda should be going...And if they refuse to listen to the polls, voters will start to view these politicians in a negative way- which is exactly what we are seeing with Biden...Most Americans do not support his agenda, and he doesn’t seem to care...
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