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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I’m still trying to piece together the concept of what a “Left-wing working family” looks like...😉
  2. Good thing no one will be watching that snooze fest...😉
  3. A wise man once said “A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush”.
  4. Obviously...But I was referring more to the fact that you can’t pay everyone- so we will see how much he values Edmunds compared to other guys who are due paydays...👍
  5. Not bad...I wouldn’t mind Tulsi Gabbard for VP...But I know the GOP would never allow it unless she converted to Republican...2 military vets, one woman of color...👍 But I would love round 2 of her vs. Kamala in the debates...epic!
  6. We will see how much they value him when they have a handful of other guys to pay as well...
  7. Sorry, but I’m not following what you’re trying to say... I commented on your post, that I agreed with DeSantis on what he said...Then you responded “move to Russia”, and lost me...👍
  8. Thanks for the update...Can’t say I disagree...So far, so good with Ronnie...👍
  9. He’s only controversial because he’s the “wrong kind” of black... And by ‘wrong kind’, I mean he probably loves his country, believes in hard work, self responsibility, and a color blonde society, like MLK...crazy, I know...😉
  10. I’m not so sure you have to pay Knox...there are some very good TE’s coming out this year, that can be had in the mid rounds- some with, potentially, higher ceilings than Knox...I’m not really concerned...
  11. Maybe subbing on early run downs for Johnson? Otherwise I have no idea...
  12. So basically he’s Kelvin Sheppard, but with better hair...😉
  13. You would have to be working in his actual administration to think it wasn’t a failure...🤣 I still can’t name one good thing he’s done for the American ‘citizen’...In fact, I actually feel like he’s done more to rip the country even further apart...
  14. Unfortunately, people have different concepts of what “winning” looks like- and typically, it’s in opposite directions...
  15. Sure...but you can’t do it with every player you draft...
  16. I think we should keep the guy who we feel is going to give the biggest impact to the team, without breaking the bank to keep...the other two guys, we get value through trades... And honestly, I think this is going to be Beane’s hardest test- knowing when to let go and replenish...seems to have a hard time with that...
  17. Knox, Edmunds, Oliver...take your pick... We will, likely, only be able to Keep 1 of the 3...
  18. Does Walter Football realize Edmunds is only 23? 😉
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