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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Yes...Get a 2nd rounder, and sign Wagner...Instant upgrade plus more draft ammo...👍
  2. You are witnessing what it looks like when the NFL goes corporate...
  3. I don’t even like the thought of offering a 3rd, considering the injury history and the contract... I’d offer a 4th this year, and a conditional 5th rounder next year... The Panthers should consider the Bills doing them a favor by taking that ‘albatross’ off their necks...😉
  4. While I agree, they basically gave up nothing for him, so we are just talking a percentage of the salary cap...And I wouldn’t be surprised if they can get out of it after this year, if they wanted to...
  5. Well, they did get him for a 6th rounder...
  6. Meh... don’t like the talent level coming with the price tag...plus we still have to pay Diggs...
  7. Typical NYC vs. the rest of the state BS...
  8. Beane really ‘burning the midnight oil’ clearing all this cap space this week...😉
  9. If that’s how much it pays, to hold a football, I seriously failed at life...😉
  10. If this happens, I will renounce Judaism...and no, I am not Jewish...😉
  11. I know what you hide under your mattress, so you better be right...😉
  12. Just the thought of this guy back on the Bills makes my body quiver in unappetizing ways...😉
  13. My Giants fan friend says Ingram is horrible- that all you ever hear is ‘potential’...and that the guy can’t stay healthy and has ‘cinder blocks for hands’...another word he used was ‘bust’... Puff puff PASS!!! 😉
  14. Well, so much for being under the cap...😉
  15. I think I’m leaning towards drafting a WR who won’t miss half the season, right out the gate... If we were rebuilding, I would be ok with Jameson...But every game is so important to win, for home field advantage...We can’t really afford to not have our 1st round pick contributing imo...
  16. KFC has a good slaw, to me...👍 I hate it when certain restaurants overthink it, and screw it up...should never be that complicated...
  17. If ya can’t beat em, join em...👍
  18. It makes sense that he would want to play with Josh Allen...he has first hand knowledge of how good Allen is...😉 But is Jackson overrated? Honestly, I have never seen him play well...
  19. Good...more money saved...so are we under the cap yet?
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