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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Exactly, we don’t know what kind of recovery Tre will have, or how long...and it’s not something you wanna leave to chance...
  2. Oh, don’t be so silly...you think CNN or MSNBC would show Leftist Progressives saying racist things? Of course not... Just like FOX News wouldn’t show Right Wingers saying racist things...it doesn’t mean both sides don’t do it... Those people, in the video, still said those things, regardless of who was asking the questions...Try not to make everything so partisan...you can learn a lot more that way...👍
  3. Well said, Tibs...I totally agree...No government should be allowed to suppress information from people, on social platforms, no matter how much they disagree with it...👍
  4. Granted, I will concede 100 year old comparisons may not be the best argument... However, the same arguments are being used today, by elitists on both sides of the political aisle, but mainly from the Left... These are modern college educated white people...listen to what they say about black people...And then listen to how shocked black people are, to hear how they are viewed... This is the type of covert, subtle racism, born out of 20th century Leftist Progressivism, that I am talking about...This is the kind that seeks to keep black people with a lowered mental perception of themselves, to control them imo...
  5. Wouldn’t mind at all if Breece Hall was BPA pick at 25! Anytime you can add a game changing play maker like that, with the first pick, it’s a good thing...👍
  6. Not trying to water down any kind of racism...Just saying that there is racism on both sides...I’ll give you an example of what I mean... After doing some research a few years back, I learned that early 20th century Progressives were very racist towards black people. Not necessarily overtly, like “burn crosses on your front yard” racism (although there were some who did this too)...But early 20th century racism was more subtle, or covert... This all came about when people joined the military and were given aptitude tests...Blacks scored lower than whites, on average- not because they didn’t have the same mental capacity, but because they were only a generation removed from slavery, and did not have same opportunities in a segregated nation... However, progressive leaders like Woodrow Wilson and Margaret Sanger (among others) used the test results to justify the notion that white people needed to help ‘civilize’ the African race, because their inferiority made them incapable of doing it on their own...This was very common thought among early 20th century Progressives... So, the point I’m try to illustrate here is that, from my estimation, there seems to be two form of racism... The first form is the most obvious because of its visibility...It’s what I like to call “uneducated racism”. It’s the racism that stems from our biological hardwiring- where humans tend to fear the unknown, or the unfamiliar...When we aren’t familiar with something, we naturally tend to distrust that thing...And when we distrust something we eventually start to resent or hate that thing...We concoct all kinds of irrational reasons for why that thing is the worst possible thing on Earth...This is “uneducated racism”. This is the kind you see from some rural folks, who have never met another person of a different ethnicity... The other form of racism, I refer to as “educated racism”...This racism comes from the more we’ll-to-do people in society, and is less obvious, but exists right beneath the surface...It’s the kind where college educated people don’t think blacks are smart enough to know how to get a photo ID...It’s the kind that Malcom X talked about when speaking about white liberals...It’s their education and elite status that makes them feel superior to the African coming out of slavery...Malcom described it that they would befriend the black man, earn their trust, to make them feel like they were on their side...Offer them token gifts, through token government programs to win their favor...All the while it is to make the African dependent on the white man to take care of them, but also control them, because they were viewed as too inferior to take care of themselves...It’s the ‘soft bigotry of lowered expectations’. But I want to make clear, even though Malcolm X references white liberals in this way, this form of ‘educated racism’ (elitism) exists on both sides, in both parties...I’m not trying to be partisan here...just trying to help illustrate that, contrary to popular belief, racism does exist on both sides... Here is a short video on Leftist Progressive Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood) to further illustrate this point...
  7. A simple google search had this: Generally, the left-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism" while the right-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism". At first glance I found it odd that it said “freedom” is associated with the Left wing types of people...Because I just always associated that side with wanting big government control, and mocking Right Wingers who cry freedom all the time...so that confused me a bit... Second, I found it odd when it said Left Wing supports rights, because you see a lot of see a lot of support of censorship, and shutting down of free speech rights coming from the Left...granted, censorship has also come from the Right at various stages of history as well...so this was a bit confounding... I like freedom, but understand you have to have some authority and order so there isn’t chaos...The Left and Right will forever bicker over what is the right amount...Typically people who are confident in themselves, self assured, and believe that Man is more good than bad, want more freedom...Those who are less confident, and more fearful of the world and human nature, tend to be the ones willing to surrender their individual freedoms for more government control...This last part isn’t necessarily a fact, just the way I see it...👍 The word ‘equality’ doesn’t really have any meaning to me, because it is such a vague term, that is thrown around all the time, and can mean anything and nothing at the same time...It just seems to be one of those words that sounds good to say, while nobody seems to know what it’s actually referring to... Rights are God given (according to the Constitution) so I don’t understand how the Right Wing can be nationalists but not be for rights, if it’s in your nation’s founding document... Hierarchy is a biological manifestation...So it certainly has its place...But not to the point where people at the top of a particular hierarchy should be able assert tyrannical power over others... Tradition is important, and can also be very useful...But not to the point where it keeps society from progressing, and stuck in place... Nationalism can be good (so long as it’s done in moderation) because it allows for a place for people of shared values...Like a small town is a microcosm of a larger county or state, so, too, is a nation for the whole world...And as technology continues to bring the world closer together, and cultures continue to evolve, you can envision a cohesive international global community (Obviously with the caveat that the end result could go any number of ways)...😉 Another point that was made is that the Right is reactionary...This would tend to make sense, because as the Left pushes for change, the Right reacts to the change...Sometimes the Right is against the change and pushes back...Other times the changes might be an obvious need... But in conclusion, based on this google search, I would say that I agree with some of the Left wing values and some of the Right wing values...So, I guess I would be considered a moderate or in the center of the political spectrum...
  8. I wanted to make this thread because I honestly don’t know the answer... There seems to be a lot of overlapping when it comes to these two ideologies... -Both can be racist -Both can be authoritarian -Both can believe in socialism, while using capitalism to grow -Both can virtue signal about what they claim are their moral values, while secretly engaging in the opposite So what, really, is the difference between Left Wing/Right Wing? Is it a belief in a higher power (ie God) vs. secularism (humanism)? Is it tradition vs. ‘anything goes’? Is it isolationism vs. globalism? Obviously there are economic and social issues at play, here- and maybe others I’m not even thinking about...so feel free to contribute any and everything so that we can have a fuller understanding...👍
  9. First off, there have been a few hoaxes that have since been proven false...But they were all concocted with the intent swaying public opinion to support Ukraine...(Now I have no issue with people supporting Ukraine- but it’s important to understand how and why things are being reported the way they are). Second, from my interpretation, they don’t seem to be giving context to what’s going on there- and the history of these two countries... I, obviously, support the innocent civilians, on both sides, who are caught up in this conflict...But when it comes to geo politics, there are usually several complicated layers to the subject, that span a long time, that our corporate media never wants us to get bogged down with... They typically want a simple narrative to steer us in the direction they want us to go...They don’t seem to care or desire that we have full context- similar to the Russia Collusion hoax...Thats why I always try to withhold judgement until I’ve been able to dive deeper into a matter...
  10. No, but I would certainly stay neutral in this conflict...I don’t believe this is our battle to be involved in...
  11. This is so stupid that we have to go through this...of course, I wouldn’t mind if we had a 2nd round pick coming back...And I’m sure other teams would think twice about going after him...
  12. I don’t stand with Putin...But I also don’t stand with the Ukrainian Nazis who overthrew a democratically elected government in 2014...👍
  13. Because modern journalism no longer specializes in reporting the truth...Instead, it’s straight up propaganda... Unfortunately, this is why I can’t even trust their reporting on Ukraine...They have proven themselves to be liars far too much for my taste- and they don’t seem to care, as they never correct themselves, even when the truth is right in front of their faces...
  14. This just goes to show you that every time you hear the words misinformation, Russian disinformation, or conspiracy theory, this is Left wing code for “This is not information we want you to hear, because it does not benefit our side”. Now that I understand what the playbook is, I will never trust anyone who utters those catch phrases...👍
  15. Looks like we might need a ‘female’ division is women’s sports...😉
  16. Especially for people who claim they are for REPRESENTATION....😉
  17. Is this the first time an NFL contract has been fully guaranteed, other than one year deals?
  18. The NFL is turning into the NBA with all these “Dream Teams” 🤣
  19. ...And that’s the moral of the story, kids...😉
  20. Maybe so, but we might lose some of the chemistry that had been built up...
  21. I wanna see McD in a Clemson helmet now...😉
  22. Probably insurance if the young guys don’t pan out...
  23. I have a bad feeling about this...😐
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