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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Picks up yardage before the defense even has a chance to react... League better be put in notice for when we line Cook up against a LB in the slot, too...bad things, man...😉
  2. I agree BillStime...I wasn’t singling anyone out because it does happen by many people...it’s one of the reasons I don’t come on here as much as I used to...it just takes the fun out of this place...
  3. I have to agree, Ten...I just don’t understand why people can’t just have reasonable debate without the name calling...People are never going to entertain other ideas when they are being called names... Nobody has a monopoly on truth, or what’s best for people...👍
  4. I am half in agreement with you on your post... First off, I am not for a “ministry of truth”...It reminds me too much of Berlin 1938...just very creepy sounding...and, if we are being honest, we know that it will only be used to promote the “truth” of those in power, while silencing dissenting views- no matter how legitimate they may be...and that’s never a good thing... Second, I agree with your point about Fox News hypocrisy...it is blatant and obvious for all to see...Former politicians and political tools have been running to news outlets, for employment, for decades, no matter the political affiliation...nice find...👍 Lastly, I don’t understand your point about the Trump/Goya pic...perhaps you can elaborate...
  5. Glenn Greenwald will go down in history as one of the last great American journalists...We should all be so grateful for his tireless and passionate work in exposing the corruption in the mainstream media, and US government, regardless of political affiliation...👍
  6. The more I watch of this kid, the more I think he’s going to be a problem for opposing defenses...he just brings so much to the table, it’s gonna be hard keeping him off the field...And I would not be surprised if he takes over as the starter by the end of the year! 👍
  7. Yup...also why Elam’s notebook left an impression as well...shows attention to detail...👍
  8. Yup...and now he has given people even more reason to call him Punt God...Welcome to The League, rookie! 🤣🤣
  9. Nobody gets to have a say in their nickname...that’s what makes nicknames great- It’s a descriptor of you by your peers...The fact that he doesn’t like it means it’s the perfect nickname, and he will always be Punt God...😉
  10. B- I feel our hand was forced because of the CB situation- and it caused us to lose value, out of desperation... I feel that, had the Bills not been so desperate, they could have played the first 3 rounds better, instead of losing value... Day 3 value saved this draft, for me...
  11. Sounds like a nice kid...but doesn’t appear to be very fast or an aggressive tackler...We shall see...
  12. This Bills draft is almost as bad as last year...almost...😉 Other than Allen (which is obviously most important), his drafts have not produced high end talent- and many moves are suspect...
  13. Beane needs to have more self control...he’s constantly getting us bad value with his trade ups/downs...
  14. Did my ears deceive me, or did I just hear that there is a gay football league?!?!? 🤣
  15. Beane being smart, and not impulsive- I like it! 👍
  16. Bills trade back!!! I’m so excited that Beane controlled himself...😉
  17. Beane starting to piss his pants now 😉 He’s so impatient...Lol
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