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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Well, first off I don’t think either party is right or wrong 100% of the time... What I do think is that our government, on both sides is extremely corrupt...But not because of the foundation of the country- but rather I feel we have lost our morality...There was a time when politicians actually cared about being exposed as a liar or a crook, or being caught in a sex scandal...but nobody cares anymore...our standards have lowered...And that is what will bring about the demise of the nation... To my original post, the 5 examples I listed are what I believe most Americans care about the most, because it directly affects them and their quality of life... I think the Democrats are losing their way, and getting too hung up on ideology, that they are having a hard time relating to the average American...most Americans (white and minority) care, deeply, about those issues I listed, and don’t appreciate the “woke” religion being pushed by the Left... Blacks don’t like the LGBT material pushed on their kids, and Latinos don’t like the open borders policy...Minorities are also, overwhelmingly, in favor of voter ID laws, and don’t see them as racist, like the Dems would like them to...
  2. I’m sure some Republicans care less than others...But 5 ways I think the “Right“ has the upper hand, and show they care about Americans is... 1. Advocating for Free Speech (Used to be a Left issue...Now it’s the enemy of Communists, fascists, and the Democrat Party...But important for all Americans if they wish to have their democracy continue) 2. Advocating for Energy Independence (Keeps energy prices low and allows Americans to not be held hostage by foreign nations) 3. Advocating for Lower Taxes (Allowing Americans to keep more of their own money, and have greater purchasing power, instead of paying unelected bureaucrats- who do very little, is always the way to go) 4. Advocating for Secure Borders (Whether controlling the spread of disease, the flow of foreign terrorists, maintaining societal values, or protecting jobs of under educated Americans, secure borders are of utmost importance for a society to thrive...See Rome) 5. Advocating for Parental Rights (Every American parent should have the right to raise their child with their own values and traditions, without retribution from the State)
  3. Hillary Clinton- one of the most corrupt political villains of our time...she makes Nixon look like child’s play...
  4. Yes...that’s why Trump was found not guilty...😉
  5. I have listed several examples of how it compares...all you did was call my comparisons lame and stupid, without giving any examples...and then you proceeded to talk about Trump, that has nothing to do with the OP, but distract from the fact that you really don’t have a legit argument against mine imo... The radical Left have made it clear that they want to “fundamentally change the country” even when our freedoms have brought more wealth to my people than any other nation on earth...and they make it no secret that they are using the old Marxist strategy of identity politics, to create an arm of radical activists, to achieve their goals of tearing the country down... Their aim is to keep the ‘field negroes’ hopeless and angry...and even when racial progress has been made, continue to act like it’s the 1930s, and act like we are worse off then ever...this is the strategy...and that is the mental slavery that is destroying our young black men and women...
  6. They get paid off by their “master”- the Democrat Party- to keep all the ‘field negroes’ (uneducated and subservient blacks) in line on the “plantation”... They do this by criticizing, or mocking, ‘runaway slaves’ (educated and independent thinking blacks) as not authentically black, or Uncle Tom- simply because they were able to make a way for themselves, and are no longer dependent on their master for survival... The House Negroes also keep the Field Negroes in line by scaring them about what’s on the other side (aka Freedom) if they dare leave the plantation (How is “master” gonna be able to take care of them, with his scraps for dinner, and the one room shack in the back yard?) They are made to think that is the best they will ever have, because they aren’t smart enough, or evolved enough, to deserve any better...shameful... We all know about the slavery of the body...but something far worse is a slavery of the mind...And the modern Democrats are “masters” at it...😉 Have a blessed day everyone. 👍 edit: I had to add an “e” at the end of negroe just so the word would not be blocked...
  7. Wasn’t the Washington Post one of many mainstream news outlets pushing “The Hoax”? Jeff Bezos is known for being very ideological, with little regard for real journalism...The Post is a shell of its former self, imo... I have thought the same...But I think some of the “bigger fish” are so well insulated from justice, because of their connections...When you get to a certain level, I think people just become bulletproof (or above the law)...and that’s both parties...
  8. Here is a quote by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is one of the biggest advocates of the treaty... “It would also include recognition of a “One Health” approach that connects the health of humans, animals and our planet. And such a treaty should lead to more mutual accountability and shared responsibility, transparency and co-operation within the international system and with its rules and norms.” This kinda sounds like socialized medical care, governed by a global bureaucracy, that we would have absolutely no say in... If you think the FDA and CDC are corrupt, this would be much bigger...The WHO would not have to answer to anyone, while forcing medical treatments on populations, whether you like it or not...
  9. Well, after all, isn’t this administration’s motto, “America Last”? 😉
  10. I tend not to trust those who want more power for themselves, and less for everyone else- especially when they don’t have the cleanest record...
  11. Not so sure...the dude looks white...unless THE Morgan Freeman is now bleaching his skin...😉
  12. Let me see if I can find some sources...👍 Here is what Wikipedia has to say about it...https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Treaty_on_Pandemic_Prevention,_Preparedness_and_Response Here is another article about it...https://thecountersignal.com/governments-commit-to-who-pandemic-treaty/ Here’s an interesting tweet from Senator Rick Scott about the treaty...
  13. Identity politics will be the end of this country...A house divided cannot stand...
  14. Good topic Shaw...I, too, have thought about this topic a few times, and interestingly, I’ve had a few different answers... And if I’m being 100% honest, I cannot say if I would join the military to defend the country...I’m in my 40s and not in best shape, physically...So, I think I would just defend my family and local community the best I could...
  15. Did you see how soaked his jersey was? Looks like he might be sweating it out just as quickly as he’s taking liquids in...important to stay hydrated...👍
  16. Race baiting on ALL sides needs to stop, or the bloodshed will continue... Our political leaders, at the top, need to set better examples, and stop instigating and inciting violence... Thoughts and prayers with the people of Buffalo...🙏
  17. Prediction... 3-3 thru the first six...new defensive front, new OC, and no Tre, gauntlet portion of schedule...no problem... 10-1 after the bye...Tre returns, team starts to gel Finish 13-4, No. 1 seed in the AFC, Super Bowl champs! 👍
  18. Lil Dirty getting his hand caught in the projector screen! 🤣🤣🤣
  19. I think Josh Allen has officially reached “god” status...😉
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