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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Ugh, that’s the worst part of the football calendar...
  2. You see, I don’t even think that’s necessary... The main issue, I see, with the Gender Ideolgues, is that they use feeling and emotion to describe what is a biological reality- what they want to be, rather than what they are...it does not make sense, scientifically, and this is likely why they can’t describe what a woman is imo, when it is so simple to everyone else... When the first humans were on this Earth, and they made observations about their physical realty, they realized that two distinct types of humans, when joined together, created offspring... At first, they were probably labeled something simple- like Person “A” and Person “B”, for example, just to acknowledge the biological difference...And it was very important to distinguish these two different types of humans, for obvious reason...If Person “A” joins with with another Person “A”, they create nothing, as is the case when a Person “B” joins with another Person “B”...These are scientific conclusions, not emotional or based on feelings... Later on, early man likely came up with regular names to describe these two distinct humans- male and female...And it didn’t matter how they felt that day, or whether they liked to cook rather than hunt 😉...their biological make up distinguished them, and dictated what their purpose was in this reality- whether they were created to fertilize an egg, or whether they were created for the purpose of bearing children, regardless of if they chose to partake in those activities or not... It’s really that simple...
  3. Now, there’s your evidence that public institutions are working to create “equity” in people’s minds through brainwashing and social engineering...interesting stats, if true...👍
  4. The slightest breeze (questioning) and the whole thing collapses in on itself...Is this why they demand that everyone MUST conform- to eliminate challenges to the orthodoxy? ”What is a woman?” is the easiest question to answer- as it should be...But members of this religious cult refuse to do so, seemingly, not because they don’t know the answer, but because they know that admitting it would destroy their whole ideology- or, at the very least, get them “excommunicated” from the Faith... When truth becomes the enemy, it’s a good bet that big trouble is not far down the road... How can people say they identify as something that they can’t even describe? And these cultists are now the doctors prescribing your family’s medical care, the teachers influencing your kids, and the politicians leading your country... A civilization is not sustainable with this type of illogical reasoning imo...
  5. Bow Tie in Schenectady 👍 It was also my first return to the theatre since covid...felt good!
  6. Disclaimer- I grew up in the 80s, recorded the original movie on VHS tape off the TV, and watched it relentlessly- because, when you were a kid, that’s just what you did with every iconic 80s movie...👍 So, I just saw Top Gun: Maverick...And I have to admit, I’m always a little cautious and skeptical about sequels like this- especially ones that take place in different eras as the original...Is it going to stay true to the characters and the original story? Is there going to be any modern day political BS thrown in that nobody gives a crap about? But I have to admit, all things considered, I thought they did a hell of a job. They avoided all the pit falls of sequels, while giving fans all the nostalgia that made the original so well loved! And honestly, for a sequel, I thought the story was pretty well thought out too- which was very surprising...👍 Now, as much as I enjoyed the movie, there is one thing I wished they had done, that would have been the icing on the cake for me...At the end, when Maverick walks into the bar looking for his gf, I wished he had put a quarter in the jukebox and selected “You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling” by the Righteous Brothers...Corny, perhaps- but that is just the fanboy in me...😉 At least they gave us “Great Balls of Fire”...Great movie for the family...definitely recommended...👍
  7. Never hearing the speech, was the speech just about the victims?
  8. Without following your convo with Buff Timmy, and just reading your post, your are correct in pointing out censorship happens on both sides...👍
  9. It became “Boy who cried wolf” at least 3 years ago...it’s basically a yawn-fest at this point... If a kid’s ice cream cone melts away on a hot summer day, the msm will stop at nothing to somehow try and tie it to white supremacy- it’s THAT ridiculous! To be this purposefully disingenuous, for a political “religion” is akin to selling one’s soul to the devil, imo... Just look at all the fake racial hoaxes sold by the media on behalf of their religion of “Anti-Racism”...These people are so bought in, they’ve completely lost all connection to reality... They just create whatever truth they want there to be, whether real or not...
  10. Josh pulls out a golf ball with Brady’s naked combine picture on it...🤣🤣🤣 Priceless!
  11. The Texans are thanking their lucky stars right about now...And good for them...Screw you, Cleveland! 🤣🍻
  12. But wasn’t the dossier the main reason for the Feds spying on the Trump campaign, in the first place? Furthermore, are you saying that all of the Clinton and Obama attorneys, working on the case for the special prosecutor, are lying- when they concluded they could find no evidence of collusion?
  13. I just don’t feel, as some do, that Kaepernick is OWED anything...if teams want to hire them, good for them...in their minds, it might be justified, and that’s their prerogative...👍
  14. I agree with everything except the part about QBs that aren’t justified in being on a roster...if players are on a roster, coaches and GMs felt it was justified, regardless of what fans think...
  15. Guys get hired for different reasons...Most for their talent, some are good character guys (locker room), others are hired because they are like an extra coach on the field, and in the film room... Says a lot that nobody has wanted Kaep for any of those three categories... And I’m so grateful that McBeane saw right through that BS, and knew it would be a cancer to this team...👍
  16. Nonsense...and I disagree with your premise about black balls...😉
  17. NFL stands for Not For Long, my friend...it’s a “What have you done for me lately” business...and it’s a privilege to play in the league, not a right... 👍
  18. Jared Kushner is one of the creepiest looking dudes ever...Reminds me of a Sith Lord...And I just get weird vibes about him...😉
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