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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Yup, I don’t agree with Trump banning speech, just like I don’t agree with Twitter, Facebook, or Youtube censoring speech... Would you agree? 👍
  2. This is also what they did during the Trump impeachment- and people wonder why so many are skeptical of our corrupt government...because they can’t be trusted to be honest...
  3. Sorry, but our government and media have proven, time and again, that they are too corrupt not to be second guessed and questioned at every turn...After covid they lost all of my confidence with the games they were trying to pull... I actually am a bit surprised that you are so eager to take the first thing, that is reported to you, at face value...what’s so wrong about waiting to let all the facts come in before making a determination? Isn’t that just common sense? If they end up getting the story right, then good for them...👍
  4. Not necessarily leaning towards conspiracy- just being open to the potential of a conspiracy, based on what’s has happened in the past... I’m simply learning the lessons of the past, and waiting until more reporting is done to get a fuller picture...👍 It might turn out there is no conspiracy, and that’s fine...But I’m also well aware that there is an agenda, by many in power, to create a false narrative of white supremacy for political gain- Almost like, whatever story is put out first is the one that sticks (ie Smollett, Sandman, Rittenhouse)...
  5. Yeah, it sux...Everything has become so politicized, that even some law enforcement seem to have been compromised... People are putting ideology above the law... I, at the very minimum, do not rush to judgement, before hearing the whole story...we know the msm also has an agenda...by the time the whole story is revealed, it’s almost the opposite of how it started...
  6. Probably because they know that they have so many allies that are in on it, too (ie media, politicians)
  7. Does this mean that men won’t be allowed to get abortions too? 😉
  8. Bro, how crazy is it that this is what it has come to? Every time there is a major event, i now ignore the initial reports, anticipating that it will get revealed that the Feds were helping to engineer a “false flag” event in some way (ie Russia Hoax, organizing Whitmer abduction, and helping to instigate January 6)...There always seems like there is something weird going on lately...
  9. Just a heads up...I posted this video for the interview, not the commentary that follows...But this was the only way I could find this particular interview from the documentary...enjoy! 😉
  10. While I would prefer Trump not to run again, if it is between him and Biden (strictly on how they run the country), it’s not even a question who I would rather have...All I have to do is look at this country under Trump compared to now- not even close which was better imo...👍
  11. Nonsense...that town, at least, made it to 1983...😉
  12. I appreciate your well thought out response...it is refreshing in this forum...But I have to respectfully disagree with your premise... It seems to me that the biggest problem people are having, when debating this topic, is conflating biological sex with psychological gender/personality...I see it in every argument...and it appears you have done the same with this bolded section of your response... It does not matter if people’s identities of themselves do not align to what they think it should be...Because the definition of “woman” is adult human female, all that matters is what the biology says... This is why we are having so many self inflicted issues in sports with regards to this issue...Since as far back as I can remember, athletics have always been divided up by sex...Now people wanna start dividing sports up by what’s in people’s minds, and now we are starting to see problems... When a person is an adult human male/female it has nothing to do do with what’s in that person’s mind...If a human identifies as a deer, does the rest of the human population have to now recognize that human as a deer? And does that now mean you can hunt that deer for dinner, and not be charged with a crime for murder? Now, at first, that example might seem ridiculous, but there are people- such as in the documentary- who identify as animals...Are you starting to see just how far down the rabbit hole this thing could go? Do you start to see how you could have a complete collapse of society?
  13. Both Left and Right love to censor...However, since the Left currently controls all three branches of government, along with 90% of the msm, and Big Tech, they are able to be more authoritarian about it... But I have no doubt the Right would be doing the same if the shoe were on the other foot...👍
  14. I am familiar with this...It is also known as intersex and is an abnormality that affects only 0.1% of the population according to webmd...but that is different than what we are talking about... The discussion we are having is about healthy males and females being encouraged to explore changing sexes, based on their feelings, in collaboration with this new ideology that is being taught...They are told they can even switch back and forth from one gender to another whenever they feel like it...others are encouraged that they can be trans species... My fear is that this is all part of a diabolical social experiment, in which innocent children are the guinea pigs- and that we have yet to see what the full repercussions will be on this younger generation...
  15. I didn’t say all truth...I said they don’t believe in objective truth- meaning these ideologues don’t believe in things you can actually measure scientifically, like women...👍 They believe everything is relative...
  16. Yes...When Matt Walsh is interviewing the green haired pediatrician, she responds “Whose truth?” insinuating that there is no objective truth of what a woman is (even though the official definition is adult human female), but rather everyone has their own truth- their own definition of what a woman is.... And imo, civilization will not be able to sustain itself if people cannot agree on a basic understanding of reality...
  17. Precisely...that’s why I say that the ideology is like a house of cards...👍
  18. That’s actually a good question... While not all religions have actual deities, we might get a better understanding of the belief structure by understanding where the philosophy comes from... Gender Ideology seems to be born out of a more broad ideology known as Postmodernism, which was founded in the mid 20th century, as an opposition to Modernism... So, if you think of a god in terms of the highest thing you are striving for, rather than an actual deity, in this case, Postmodernism’s biggest belief is that there is no objective truth (the opposite thinking of the dominant religions of the world, as well as science)... And it is that core belief that permeates over every aspect of our society today (and that’s why it has to tear down the institutions the country was built on)... Postmodernism does not believe in hierarchies...it does not believe in the scientific method, the Enlightenment, or reason (this why when you try to debate these people with with science or facts, they don’t seem to understand)...it does not believe in a gender binary...Everything is relative...it basically opposes every aspect of human civilization up to this point...And this is just surface description of a much deeper belief system... So, in a way, you could say that is the god of the Gender Ideologues, whether they realize it or not...Hope this helps a little...👍
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