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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. You go to the party where your views line up the most…👍
  2. Without the gun, he would have found another way, just like the people who wear bomb vests… People have had guns for centuries…mass shootings were never an issue…there is something else going on with modern human psychology, that taking away guns is not going to solve imo…
  3. My solutions are that Biden needs to stop lying to the American people about the war and inflation…Honesty is always the best policy and everyone sees through the BS…👍 But I also understand it’s political suicide, and that’s why he can’t…but at least it would save him whatever dignity he might have left….
  4. My views on such matters are irrelevant…the point of the thread, and the video, is that Biden is not only lying about the war, but also why the country is in bad shape- and, according to polls, the country is not buying it…
  5. LMAO! You just can’t make this stuff up…Sad part is, because these people have no values, they feel no shame when they become a caricature of themselves…And the bubble, in which they live, prevents them from hearing everyone laughing at them…
  6. If the Dems were smart they would run Michelle Obama…they could frame it as ‘the first woman president could be black’ and condemn anyone who criticizes her political views as racist AND sexist…it’s a leftist wet dream…😉
  7. I certainly don’t agree with every political position Jimmy Dore takes…But what I respect about him is that he isn’t beholden to Big Corp, Big Pharma, or the Military Industrial Complex when reporting news… He reports the news that the main stream media is told, by their masters, to hide from the American people…This is why so few people know the real details behind the Ukraine War- and just give blind support without even knowing why…There’s a lot more to it than just “Russia is a big country that invaded a smaller country called Ukraine- and that’s bad”…
  8. Nice to see you honoring our founders…👍
  9. Biden is such a fool…it’s his war on American energy independence that is causing prices to be so high- and everyone knows it…Biden also gives himself away when he laughs at the idea of high gas prices…he can’t contain his glee…
  10. Don’t be so sure…At least 90% of the propaganda institutions are on his side (or vice versa) and they are under reporting just how bad things really are… Biden is using the Ukraine war to blame inflation and high gas prices on- so that the responsibility doesn’t fall on him… I hope you are right, but we will see if people are smart enough to realize this…👍
  11. He’s using the war in Ukraine to make his donors billions, while screwing workings class families in this country…He’s a sellout and a fraud, and hopefully a 1 term president…
  12. This could be a blessing in disguise, for those of us who don’t want Trump to run again…
  13. It’s been destroyed since 1947 my friend…👍 Always remember Eisenhower’s farewell address in 1961…he knew the country was lost, back then, too…
  14. This is so true…Maybe I need to identify as younger…😉
  15. Little do they know, that the public schools are ‘The Church of Satan’ 🤣🤣🤣😉
  16. That’s the $64,000 question…the argument I keep hearing from pro choice advocates is that women’s rights to have autonomy over their own bodies is protected in the Constitution… This is why it’s such a complicated issue…I don’t know what the right answer is… But I do have a theory- the abortion debate will never be settled the way that it’s always been argued up to this point…it’s a no-win situation imo…
  17. What I’m talking about is that you seem to care more about Trump being defeated than the fact that the country has gone off a cliff since he’s been gone…And that’s not in my mind…it’s a reality that everyone sees, even if you pretend not to…
  18. You see, you make it personal- about Trump, while seeming to ignore how worse off the country has been the last 17 months, since he’s been out of office… I don’t want Trump as president either, but I’m not going to just pretend that we weren’t better off with him running the country…
  19. Abortion is probably one of the most difficult and complicated issues humanity will ever have to deal with imo… That being said, I can understand how both sides might think the Constitution defends their view…
  20. I would skip summer every year if it meant the Bills’ season started after OTA’s...😉
  21. I don’t really feel it’s a matter of right or wrong...speculating is just a natural behavior human beings do when they don’t know the answer to something...
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