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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. What’s ironic about the bottom photo is that the Union defeated the Confederacy, and then the United States defeated the Nazis…So, technically, don’t all these ideologies oppose each other? So, whoever had all these flags together, in their backyard either don’t know what they stand for, or just like the colors of all three flags…😉 Its almost like a Bills fan, not only flying the Bills flag, but also the Patriots and Dolphin’s flags in their yard imo..🤣
  2. Thanks…I thought I had recently heard otherwise…👍
  3. Fake news…DeSantis is Latino…No way white supremacists support him… ”A” for effort, though, by Left wing activists who view all conservatives as Nazis…I think people are pretty hip to their game by now- Just like the plant who brought the Nazi flag to the Canadian trucker protest- same old playbook…😉
  4. Billsy, regardless of what side of the issue you fall on, you have to admit, at the very least, it does seem a little strange- and does not appear to line up with the aggressiveness that the government has been going after anyone connected to Jan 6…👍
  5. The Dems and Republicans work as a team, my friend…they are the Establishment, and fake being in opposition to each other, so that the Establishment candidate from either party can continue to erode our liberties, while moving us closer to a new global order…
  6. Even a person who doesn’t consider themselves to be conservative has to still find these funny…It reminds me of how Leno and Carson used to be…👍
  7. I appreciate the time and energy it took for this well thought out and balanced response… I have always known that we will eventually need to evolve in the energy we use…My fear is that, while trying to transition away from fossil fuels, that we are not going to be prepared to run our economy strictly on green energy- unless we utilize the power sources that UFOs run on… So it will be interesting to see how this progresses…
  8. Gotta admit, he’s probably not a guy I would wanna have beer with…🤣
  9. How is capitalism to blame for high gas prices? Not defending capitalism, just curious…👍
  10. Perhaps…but it was just a rebuttal to your ‘gas prices must be down’ post…I was basically saying ‘compared to what?’ 👍
  11. Thank God I just refinanced two months ago- locking in at 3.25% 😉👍
  12. Down from what- $2.30 when Trump left office? 😉
  13. BLM does not care about black lives…it just took some time before people started seeing it for themselves… Of course there are the countless black on black crime victims that BLM can’t be bothered in trying to help… And don’t mention all the donations (to help underprivileged communities) taken by the founders to enrich themselves, or giving them to Democrat campaigns… But the story of the single mother, with two kids, who were nearly killed by a black man putting bullet holes in their walls, is the icing on the cake- Again, BLM comes out mourning the criminal and mocking the victim… Keep digging your own grave, guys! 😉
  14. Absolutely! But I will take it one step further… We need a 3rd and 4th party- one to compete with the establishment Republicans, and one to compete with the establishment Democrats… Of course, it would only be a matter of time before corporations caught on and corrupted them too…
  15. Americans need to unite against the Establishment Republicans and Democrats- they are all on one team, and they don’t care about killing innocent life for their global agenda of control… Power to the people! 💪
  16. Interested in the first 2 picks, because I think they can make strong contributions right away…I think Bernard and Sakir will be buried on the depth chart…And Punt God is a long shot to make the team imo…
  17. “The real hero of the day is the citizen that was lawfully carrying a firearm in that food court and was able to stop the shooter almost as soon as he began,” Ison said. 👍
  18. 🤣🤣🤣 The Left calling Marxism “progress”…
  19. I’m just pissed that we will likely never get two 3rd round picks for Frazier because of “13 seconds”…
  20. Glen is too smart for the Left…he has their number so bad, it’s like taking candy from a baby…and the best part is- he’s not even a conservative, just a journalist…😉 …And the truth shall set you free…🤣
  21. When people say “Nobody cares”, what they are really saying is that ‘It (Trump) doesn’t matter because DeSantis is going to be our next president anyway’…😉
  22. Been saying this for years…whoever wins an election does not care about voter integrity- and more so on the Left, because they seem to want to tear down American institutions rather than conserve them (ie wanting to eliminate the electoral college, abolish the senate, and pack the Supreme Court, just to name a few)…
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