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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Absolutely! In addition, after WW2, the NSA and CIA were created, which in turn, created a “break away civilization” of federal bureaucracies that were not beholden to constitutional oversights and limitations…This is the beginning of what people today refer to as the Deep State… I also wonder if assassination of JFK and attempted assassination of Reagan were because they were not part of the Establishment?
  2. How come anyone who disagrees with the Establishment is a Trumper or MAGA? The Establishment has been around long before Trump and will be around long after Trump… You don’t have to be a supporter of Trump to see what’s happening…Many progressives and liberals feel the same way- And they can’t stand Trump… But I know, I know- you need a name and a face to represent the opposition, regardless…This is why anyone who opposes the Establishment is called a Nazi or white supreacist, whether they are black or progressive…👍
  3. That’s the Establishment narrative…And the Establishment stretches across the entire West, not just America… In 2015 The Guardian rated Ukraine the most corrupt nation in Europe…https://amp.theguardian.com/news/2015/feb/04/welcome-to-the-most-corrupt-nation-in-europe-ukraine That was roughly the same time the prosecutor was investigating corruption in the country, including Burisma, where Hunter Biden was on the Board (without any knowledge of the oil industry, I might add) Biden withholding the money wasn’t because the prosecutor was “pro corruption”, as the Establishment would want us to believe…But rather because an investigation by the prosecutor posed a threat to the business dealings that the Bidens, and the Western Establishment, in general, had going on in a corrupt Ukraine…
  4. If you follow media other than establishment news, you would know this to be true… FBI Director Comey even gave a press conference on all the criminal things Hillary did- but then said they chose not to charge her because “he” didn’t think a prosecutor would take the case…Lol
  5. While I do not know all of Trumps actions, it may be true that down the line he may be proven to have committed a crime… However, I disagree with that last statement…Hillary and Biden have been proven to have committed crimes, and have been protected by the Feds and media for years…Hillary with Benghazi and her emails, and Joe with his blackmailing of Ukraine to monetarily benefit him and his family…
  6. FBI… Trump has been mostly accused of things, but never really proven guilty… And even the things he has been accused of, the Left has done those very things they accuse Trump of… I want consistency under the law… If Trump goes to jail, then so should Hillary and Biden at the very least…
  7. I consider myself mostly an isolationist…so I guess I could never be a MAGA militant…darn…😉
  8. I never said I supported those actions…I just said I could why people would be skeptical of a federal agency that has PROVEN to be corrupt several times in recent history…
  9. Not sure if you heard, but during the game it was mentioned that another GM had asked Cynthia Frelund about Benford…her response to the GM was that he will not be available after the final cut… I know she is not the Bills FO, but thought it was interesting none the less…👍
  10. Just got tickets for Bills/Ravens week 4! Unfortunately, no Kevlar vest…😉
  11. Well, in fairness, can you blame them for being skeptical of the FBI? After all, the FBI did falsify a CIA document in order to get a wire tap warrant from the FISA court during the Russia Collusion Hoax…
  12. Only way to reduce inflation is to pull actual dollars out of circulation…that way, that buying power of each remaining dollar goes up, causing prices to go down…
  13. That’s what I found at first…But then I had my sister (who is a Ravens fan) look for some tickets in that area and she found them for $200 a piece plus $45 in fees…unfortunately I don’t recall what site she was on…
  14. Cool, man…that’s awesome…thanks! 👍 And, yes- the Kevlar vest was in reference to the high crime in the city…
  15. Never been to an away game…still debating whether or not to hit the town the night before, as I am not in possession of a Kevlar vest…😉
  16. After the bye week has always felt like the most realistic timeline…
  17. I don’t get it…what’s the point is showing the warrant if multiple news outlets already reported that he was raided? What am I missing?
  18. Davis got violated…🤣🤣🤣
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