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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. A dog owned by 2 gay French men now has monkeypox… https://nypost.com/2022/08/14/dog-reportedly-contracts-monkeypox-from-owners/ Instead of worrying about kids being groomed, maybe it’s the dogs we need to be concerned about…🤔 Try not to let your imagination run too wild with this one…😉
  2. I’m confused by his line of questioning as well…Perhaps he thinks that if you get the vaccine, it prevents you from getting Covid- and that if you got Covid, it was because you didn’t get vaccinated… But of course, everyone knows this to be untrue, so I’m not sure what he’s trying to say…
  3. First, do you agree or disagree with my previous post?
  4. I hear what you’re saying, but I don’t know that I would measure success this way… For example, why would a high vaccination rate be a measure of success if you could show the relative health of the state without high rates of vaccination? To me, simply basing success on high vaccination rates only seems like success for the pharmaceutical companies… Furthermore, if you can show relative health for your state through targeted immunization and early treatment, compared to other states, while keeping the economy going strong, don’t you think that would be a better measure of success?
  5. How is DeSantis a loser for showing that his state could still thrive without taking away people’s freedom of choice? Sounds like a win/win no matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on…👍
  6. This is why local municipalities should be following their own guidelines, for what works best for them…👍
  7. The new global order is less democratic and more authoritarian… When answering questions from the press, after a global summit, Joe Blden claimed that many leaders he spoke with feel that democracy is too antiquated and slow moving to keep pace with the rapid pace of technological advancement- and that many are shifting to an autocratic philosophy… Unfortunately, I feel many US leaders feel the same way- hence the presidency acting more unilaterally with each administration…
  8. Well, the Establishment is out to get Trump- make no mistake..He doesn’t go along with the NWO agenda…So their goal is to try and make it so he can’t run again…Even the Republican Establishment feels this way…
  9. I think people ultimately support law enforcement so long as they feel it is fair on both sides of the political spectrum…once you lose that trust, it is difficult to support, when they feel law enforcement has been weaponized for political purposes… If one is being honest, it is hard to deny that what Trump is accused of by the DOJ sounds eerily similar to what Hillary actually did, but wasn’t charged…But of course, that’s only if we are being honest…
  10. I think anyone can be pro terror if it suits their agenda…
  11. And sometimes it’s called a conspiracy so people don’t think it is fact (like Lab Leak theory and Covid vaccines initiating a global digital ID system)…😉 Edit- you can laugh all you want…it just means you have no concept of what’s already been said by elite, powerful interests outside the msm…The World Economic Forum and Bill Gates have already admitted this before Covid even happened… Its not a Democrat or Republican thing- it’s a globalist agenda that certain members of both parties are trying to implement…👍
  12. And many of the Dem politicians flat out called for, and incited more violence, themselves (Maxine Waters, Rashida Talib, etc)
  13. She’s a military industrial complex neo con…and she would love nothing more than to walk in the war criminal footsteps of her father…👍
  14. Every time a major news story breaks, I always wait a few weeks to learn the true story… The initial story is just the Establishment narrative the media wants to get out first, in hopes you will be too busy to wait them out, or too bored to dig deeper, yourself… But the ones who do wait the msm out for more info are the true independent thinkers imo…👍
  15. Didn’t the FBI also try to kidnap the Michigan governor, just to try and blame it on other people? 🤔
  16. That’s not Tom Brady- That’s Caitlyn Jenner! 😯
  17. Kind of like those who keep telling us that boys can be girls, and vice versa? 😉
  18. Always a possibility… But the situation around the 1980 presidential election was quite interesting…Early on, Reagan was not even expected to win the nomination of the Republican Party, much less the general election… It was neck and neck between Reagan and Bush Sr, with Ronnie squeaking out the win…The rumor was, even though Reagan was against it, he was forced into taking Bush as his running mate by the Party… Within a few months, an attempt was made on his life…Was Hinkley a nut? Perhaps…But just remember, it has been said that Lee Harvey Oswald was hired as a low level CIA operative. (Robert Kennedy would later tell his nephew, JFK Jr. that he knew the CIA killed his father.)
  19. Do you think everybody who voted for Trump (nearly 80 million people) are in a cult? Honest question… Do you think that people may have had different reasons?
  20. I understand…I have thought the same…just curious- especially since CIA Bush Sr. was next in line…but who knows… Maybe it persuaded Reagan to go along with the program…but again, just wondering out loud…
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