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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I envision that being @Tiberius🤣🤣🤣
  2. Pretty cool that RFK was with him…👍
  3. No hate at all… I just don’t approve of a corrupt bureaucrat who used 40 years in office to manipulate and take advantage of the most vulnerable among us, and then lie to American people about it… So enjoy…maybe you’ll learn something, if you’re not to stubborn not to…😉
  4. You don’t have to agree with someone’s lifestyle or politics to empathize with them being wronged, or to observe a crime against them… Maybe not to you…But perhaps, that’s what separates us- you seem to be strictly political…👍
  5. If a person is being wronged, in some way, why would it matter who they choose to sleep with? Now, you’re sounding pretty homophobic…What happened to you? Smh…👎
  6. Tell that to the LBGT community that he kept life saving AIDS drugs from, so he could make money first… Tibs is not for The People….👎
  7. The more tax dollars Biden sends probably means more money coming back to him for his retirement…
  8. Glen Greenwald exposes NeoCon playbook of accusing everyone who disagrees with their imperialism as a Russian asset…👍 People don’t even know why they are saying what they are saying…All they know is that they were told to think a thing, and are made to feel that it is acceptable public discourse… But pin them down on the specifics of what they mean, and they short circuit, because they’ve never been challenged on the issue…👍
  9. Tibs, go back to LaLa land where men are women, and let the adults try to fix the mess the mentally ill have left us…👍
  10. This is why Trump getting elected, and dismantling the Deep State was so important…Kamala would have just been a puppet to continue the status quo… But it’s not a Democrat vs Republican thing, but rather the Establishment (unelected) vs the Anit-Establishment… While both exist in both parties, the Dems have been more increasingly captured by the Establishment, with very little push back in the party…This is also why they have stopped being the party of the working class, and now represent the elites…This is also why you see Dems liking GOP cabinet picks that are Establishment.. While many Republicans are captured by the Establishment, there is far more push back within the party, led by Trump and disaffected moderate Dems.. This is why we are seeing a paradigm shift in the political landscape, with more minorities, working class people, and traditional liberals starting to migrate to the Republican Party… Lol…So true…Let them play pretend like they pretend men are women…😉
  11. Meh…just send it to the Supreme Court…I’m sure they’ll take care of it…😉👍😎
  12. Except it wasn’t even a hit…It was like Milli Vanilli winning a Grammy, only to have to give it back after they were found to be lip syncing…👍
  13. Why, thank you, good sir…God willing…👍
  14. I’m sure I won’t…No president is ever able to follow through on EVERY promise… But it’s starting out in the right direction…👍
  15. Rachel Levine says “hi”… I think I’ll take my chances with RFK…😉
  16. You have to understand, we are all in the honeymoon phase, at this point… Winning the presidency, senate, house, and Supreme Court feels so good, it’s going to be hard to find us triggered…😉 We’re just sitting back, watching you guys throw tantrums over ever pick, and drinking it up…Happy trails…👍
  17. Oh Tibby boy, your bubble bath is waiting…😉
  18. Your endorsement doesn’t give me comfort…😉
  19. They were gonna hate everything he said or did anyway…might as well go balls to the wall, and get your money’s worth…🤣🤣 Somebody sounds scared…🤣🤣🤣
  20. Loving the picks…only thing that could make it better is if Tulsi was involved 👍
  21. Oh Sh*t is about to go down!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  22. Look on the bright side- after the last 4 years, the only place to go is up…😉 You would really have to work hard at failing as bad as the Biden administration…👍
  23. Hubba hubba…😍 Republican press secretaries are always the hottest…👍
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