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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. It bothers me because you have educators teaching things that are not true, and kids, who don’t know any better, are being harmed as a result…it should bother you too- that is, if you have a soul…😉
  2. Can you imagine him on this current team? 😍
  3. I predicted 4-3 to start the season, so it wouldn’t surprise me…
  4. Agreed…but the problem with the Trans ideology is that it misconstrues personality and temperament (gender) with biological physical sex…And you end up people spouting the ridiculously untrue statement of “Trans women are real women”.
  5. First off, let’s get one thing straight- Joe Biden is not brilliant by any stretch…Corrupt? Absolutely…that’s been proven…But he is simply a “Yes” man, doing the bidding of the MIC…It’s the only thing protecting him in the mainstream media- otherwise he would be crucified just like Trump… Second, the things I listed in my previous post are indeed conspiracy (not to be confused with the CIA “conspiracy theory”)…just several parties in powerful places conspiring together to weaken Russia- This is how foreign and domestic policy have always worked (See Time article about conspiracy during the 2020 election)…I think that’s why we find ourselves in this situation today… Third, I don’t think Putin’s reputation was destroyed because of this conflict…The West always viewed him negatively, and continuously used him for propaganda purposes in the US…However, rightly or wrongly, he is viewed differently in other parts of the world- hence why the US is having trouble rallying opposition to Putin on other continents (mainly Africa and Asia)… Is Biden evil? Maybe, but I just see him as more of a douchebag…But I think the people controlling Biden, and steering his agenda, are the real evil geniuses- kinda like the pricks behind George W. Bush…And if you notice, it’s an eerily similar crowd- especially with foreign policy…
  6. Well, according to the Left, gender is a social construct- so by default it would have to make transgender a social construct, too, if you believe that logic…meaning it’s all BS…😉
  7. My friend, it appears this conflict has been going on for a decade…It didn’t just start 8 months ago with a Russian invasion… The invasion was simply the result of antagonistic policies by a US led NATO- who made agreements with Russia in the 90s and 00’s, and then went back on their promises…(sound familiar?) Up until 10-15 years ago, Ukraine was a strong ally of Russia…The US knew that if they wanted more control over Europe, they needed to weaken Russia, by taking away their closest support… The US then helped to fund a coup, led by a brigade of Ukrainian Neo Nazis…They overthrew a democratically elected government that was friendly to Russia, and replaced it with one that did the bidding of the US- sound familiar? 😉 The new regime would bomb Russians living in Eastern Ukraine, because they refused to support the US backed “puppet regime”. Russia issued an ultimatum that the new government did not abide by- leaving Russia no choice but to defend their people in the Donbas region, and protect their borders by an ever encroaching NATO… The US also doesn’t like that Russia was providing Europe with most of its oil, and had plenty of incentive to attack the Nord Stream pipeline…false flag operations have been around since the dawn of time, and have worked like a charm until people started to figure out how the game was played… Don’t mean to drag on- but your question seemed genuine, and I felt an obligation to give you a general background of the situation that the corporate owned main stream media will never tell you…hoped it helped…👍
  8. Well, if we did it, it would be yet another example of the US provoking war and then lying about it to the American people… What makes it worse is Russia is a nuclear power…And with all the nations involved, this could potentially turn into WWIII, all because the US (hypothetically) wanted to control the energy supply to Europe, instead of Russia… It also means our government doesn’t care about us- and would just as easily sacrifice people’s lives if it meant making them money and strengthening their power… This is why they have to keep us hating eachother with the “oppressors vs oppressed” narrative- so we are too distracted from seeing who the real enemy might be…
  9. Lol, I thought the same thing…it’s almost like he accidentally posted something from a conversation with someone else…😉 Transgender is a social construct…😉
  10. Of course you know you can’t trust the political spin of the msm…they will say and do anything to take someone down… I just yawn, and keep it moving…sad that they can’t be trusted, but they dug their own grave long ago…👍
  11. …because this doesn’t sound racist…😉 Did she say this because she’s assuming all communities of color are poor, or just because she’s a racist, or both? And what about people of color who make six figures? Do they get first treatment too? And if not, perhaps a better thing to say is that the Administration is going to focus on helping low income areas (because that would include all races)…but instead, they can’t help themselves, and HAVE to show their racism…sad…
  12. Does anything that challenges the Biden administration and the Military Industrial Complex automatically mean it’s Russian propaganda? You do realize the people always calling it Russian propaganda are the CIA- you know, the same people who lied about WMD’s… How many times do we have to be lied to about Russian propaganda (Russia collusion hoax, Hunter laptop) before we start to question the origins of the lie? Both examples of “Russian propaganda” were proven false…Are we to still believe “the boy who keeps crying wolf” given the United States record on lying to get us into war? Its only common sense to question, Tibs…and I know you’re smart enough to understand that…👍
  13. Putin may be a POS- no one is saying he isn’t…however, that, in and of itself does not mean the United States’ hands are clean in this matter… And because we know our government has lied before to get us into war, all possible explanations should not be off the table- that is, if you are seeking truth, no matter where it leads…👍
  14. Watch Biden’s face when asked by a reporter how he’s going to shut down the pipeline…his expression seems like “What, do you think I was born yesterday? I know how this game works”…😉 This is all very interesting since all the mainstream media seems to be pointing the finger at Russia- and using this as a possible excuse to escalate the war… One thing is for certain- if the US is the culprit, it wouldn’t be the first time the US has used “false flag” operations to draw the country into war…(ie Vietnam, Iraq)…
  15. I’m so dreading going to this game…first game in 6 years and I end up with a hurricane…Lol
  16. Thinking outside the box, I wonder if McD would try rushing only 3, and dropping 8 into coverage- almost like what we should have done against KC during 13 seconds…😉
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