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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I used to be a Democrat, but the party lost its mind and became radicalized… I’m for whoever is common sense…and right now, it’s not the Dems…
  2. I think Nancy needs to answer some questions…😉
  3. Sweet…now Tom is finally free to continue his transition without his wife nagging him…😉
  4. Who are we kidding? Do we honestly believe Brady actually likes females? Going back to football was probably the easiest decision he’s ever had to make…😉
  5. Yup- and tell her to take the kids too…😉
  6. More like a flaming bag of poop on your door step…😉
  7. Unless there is a “shakedown” of some sort, by this coalition, which could potentially happen…
  8. The public benefit is the Bills staying in western NY…typical politics though- everyone trying to get a piece of the pie…
  9. Josh is becoming a mega star- everyone wants their picture taken with him…everyone wants to keep tabs on what he is up to… I have to keep pinching myself…I still can’t believe how lucky we are…👍
  10. I’m just gonna “J-off” to post game the next 3 hours! 🤣🤣🤣
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