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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Don’t forget, we still have Duke Johnson if need be 👍
  2. Sadly, Edmunds will likely always be a mediocre player who will never live up to his God given athletic ability…
  3. Ha! At first glance, I thought you said something else…😉
  4. Let’s just get this poor play out of our system so we can crush the jets next week…👍
  5. Now that is what I call bend, but don’t break! 🍺🥳
  6. Ask any conservative Jew if they support Israel…Then ask any liberal Jew if they support Israel and get back to me…😉 This isn’t rocket science…It’s all about “intersectionality” where the Left is concerned …👍
  7. I actually agree with everything Trump said in the OP…I have seen, first hand, exactly what he is talking about… And he’s not referring to conservative Jews, in the US, who appreciate Israel…he’s talking about the Leftist Jews in America who despise Israel… But, of course, the American Left isn’t nuanced enough to understand what he’s talking about- Any chance to call him a Nazi…Good thing most people can see through their Neo-Marxist agenda…👍
  8. Fake news…yawn… If we haven’t learned, by now, the playbook of the Establishment, all hope is lost…
  9. Early reports were that he was spotted flying on a magic carpet…😉
  10. Also heard the attacker was in his underwear at Pelosi’s house around 2am…if that’s true, it sounds more like a gay booty call (in San Francisco) gone wrong…👍
  11. I agree… What Hillary is doing is no better than what she is calling out Republicans for… She is basically inciting violence on a group of people, regardless of what the facts are… She just wants her vengeance because she is such an angry and bitter human being…and it’s quite disgusting…
  12. You must think I’m someone else, because you said “you guys”… Imo the Bible is mostly metaphorical…And I agree, the church was man made, and a tool to consolidate power more than teaching the message of Christ… With regards to Republicans wanting Christian nationalism to guide the government- anyway you slice it there is going to be an ideology that guides the government…If you remove the Jude’s-Christian foundation of the country, you take away individual liberty, and everyone instantly becomes a tool of the state- to do with as they please… And it just so happens that as the Judeo-Christian foundation recedes, something else will inevitably fill the void…And it just so happens, that right now, we are seeing a Neo-Marxist/Post Modernist ideology that has taken over the guiding of our country… And unfortunately, it’s an ideology that , unlike Christianity, doesn’t believe in truth, doesn’t believe in science, and seeks to divide society up into different groups, in a never ending struggle of oppressed vs. oppressor…Now, i don’t know about you, but that sounds pretty damn depressing to me… So, the bottom line is, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side…👍
  13. Don’t we have veteran Duke Johnson on the practice squad? If so, not sure why we need another RB…just bring him up and cut Moss…👍
  14. I work with one…my friend has a sister who is one…there is a waiter at my local casino who is one…there is a homeless person outside my local Dunkin Donuts who is one…that’s just off the top of my head… Studies show that gender dysphoria (deep seeded loathing of one’s own sex) happens in roughly 1 out of every 30,000 to 100,000 people…That’s such a low percentage of people that we should never come across these people in our whole lifetimes… However, what we are witnessing today is completely different, with sinister motives behind the intent…girls are being taught that if they exhibit the slightest masculine tendencies, that perhaps they are really boys- and these are young people who show no signs of gender dysphoria whatsoever- they’ve never questioned who they were up until they were introduced to the ideology in school- which is precisely the point of the education… This tells me that the “goal posts have been moved”- just like the words racism and phobia, the definition of transgender has been changed, over the generations, in order to incorporate more people…And if it was just a matter of adults taking drugs and changing body- I wouldn’t care…but I feel it goes much deeper than that…Imo it’s a war on truth, itself, and the kids are on the frontlines..
  15. If this turns out to be another “Jussie Smollet” the Dems will never hear the end of it…
  16. To get the economy back on track the first step is to always cut spending- allowing people to have more of their own money…👍
  17. The Left likes to say that doctors “assign” gender at birth- which is false…they don’t just blindly “assign” anything…they observe a biological reality… People might choose what profession they do, or what clothes they buy, or what activities to be interested in, but they cannot choose their biological sex…just like they can’t choose the color of their skin, they cannot chose whether they are male or female…they are created how they are and do not have any say in the matter…to think otherwise shows a disconnect from reality- hence why these people are said to have a mental disorder, and suicide rates are so high…because they are fighting against nature in their minds, which makes it extremely difficult for them to find happiness… First of all it doesn’t bother me at all what adults do with their lives…what bothers me is the millions of kids that are being lied to by delusional and mentally ill people… Second, what bothers me is how all of society seems to have been captured by this delusional cult…and if we don’t bow down to the religion of transgenderism, people face the threat of losing their jobs, and even their kids, if parents refuse to affirm them… Third, not being able to agree on basic fundamentals of reality will inevitably bring about the collapse of society… So, to me, transgender ideology stands out as the biggest issue of our time- because it threatens the very heart of our understanding of reality… I wish these people well, but we cannot allow the insane to run the asylum….
  18. You don’t figure out whether you are male or female…those are objective biological terms based on whether you were born with reproductive organs that creates an egg or fertilizes it… Doctors can’t “assign” it at birth…and people can’t pick one whenever they want… Just because a boy is into dance or fashion doesn’t make him a girl- it just makes him a boy who is into dance or fashion…👍
  19. I don’t agree with everything they say, but a party who says boys can be girls and vice/versa just shows a complete disconnect from reality- which is a total non starter for me…👍
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