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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. In 12 Rules For Life, Jordan Peterson writes “Assume the person you are listening to might know something you don’t”. I love that line, and although I am not perfect at it, I always try to be as objective as possible…I just genuinely enjoy learning other people’s perspectives, even if I initially disagree- I like seeing what makes people tick…👍
  2. I agree- those beauty pageants always creeped me out…
  3. This is because they reject God, and therefore have no wisdom, because they think they are God- and that they can solve everything themselves… Empathy without wisdom leads to foolhardiness…👍
  4. Yup, if people want to take chances with their own life, it’s their choice…
  5. Well, that depends…what, in the video, would you argue is propaganda?
  6. All blues and all red are the worst combos we have…need to balance the color with white…👍
  7. You mean charge rappers to say the n-word…😉 Elon would make his money back by the next presidential election…👍
  8. That issue has nothing to do with MAGA…Trump was pushing the vaccines too- my stance was the opposite of what Trump and Biden were saying to do… But it was Biden who became authoritarian and fascistic with it- attempting to usurp congress and impose HIS (and Pfizer’s) will on everyone…but thank God for the Constitution…👍
  9. It wasn’t just “get vaccinated”…he was threatening people’s livelihoods, by coming for peoples jobs…that’s effed up- especially after now knowing that the vaccines do not prevent transmission (which was the excuse Biden was using to take such action)… Now, that’s what I call fascism…
  10. Honestly? I fear Joe Biden’s threats more than Trump…During the pandemic, Biden would threaten people who refused to take the vaccine…And now, it seems he threatens people on a weekly basis who disagree with his agenda… And I don’t look at people, who wanna make America great again, as deplorable- I see them as admirable and courageous…between the 1940s and 1960s, the black community saw the greatest increase of wealth more than any other ethnic group- despite the discrimination of southern Jim Crow laws…And that was because of their strong belief in God, family, and holding themselves to a higher standard of living than they do today…what a beautiful thing…#MAGA I think Jewish Americans feel safer in the US than in any other country around the world…👍
  11. Especially in San Fran…😉 Yeah…these are always entertaining to watch…
  12. I disagree… How do feel about your party giving money to the candidates you claim are extremists? I would think you would be quite upset with the Dems for paying for their own demise…
  13. Is this the running back? Seems like he’ll fit it great with the locker room…👍
  14. A trustworthy source is confirming no trades will be made by the Bills today…
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