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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Sorry man, but I just have major disagreements with the current Dem agenda…it’s really difficult to see anything beneficial coming from it, at the moment…
  2. …Like a woman that keeps going back to her abusive husband…😉 Govern me harder, daddy! 🤣
  3. I still remember when the Left called Bush a Nazi… Oh well…Bush was always a Military Industrial Complex guy anyway- a NeoCon, just like Obama and Biden…So, it makes sense that they are all teaming up now…
  4. Those two guys are great- and they certainly have no love for Trump and the Republicans…they simply call a spade a spade, and aren’t beholden to one team or another…👍
  5. First question that needs to be asked is how high do the Bills rank Oliver compared to other DT’s around the the league…is he top 10, 15, 20? He’s certainly not a guy you break the bank for because he’s not a game changer…That being said, I would feel uncomfortable giving him anything more than $13-14 million per year…And even then, I wouldn’t mind trying to upgrade the position…
  6. I’m not so sure…Last I checked, the Republicans were leading in the House, and getting a majority of the popular vote, nationwide… Also, if my information is correct, it appears more Republican Senate seats were on the line, this midterm…so, to still be able to keep it around 50-50 or 51-49, could still be seen as a moral victory, even if not exactly what they wanted… Ultimately, while it wasn’t the landslide many predicted, it does appear like the Republicans have made inroads…we will just have to wait and see when the dust settles…👍
  7. “Hate” has become such a vague term that it can mean whatever you want it to mean… People could say the Left is racist and pro child abuse…it’s all in how you look at it…
  8. Get a load of those chompers! I know somebody who’s not going cold this winter…😉
  9. If DeSantis can stay above the fray, it will just make Trump look worse- and he will lose all his supporters…Just don’t play Trump’s game and Ron will be fine… I’m starting to hope he gets convicted on one of his many lawsuits…
  10. Trump wants to go down in flames because he knows he can’t win anymore…what a loser…
  11. Really? Because I heard more suitcases full of ballots will be arriving at the back door after midnight…😉
  12. I think it would depend on what you consider “voter fraud” to be…I’m sure both sides have differing definitions…
  13. Normally I would agree…But, ever since all of society became so ideological, roughly 5-10 years ago, the notion that big media corporations are only run for a profit is a misunderstanding of the current political climate, imo… An example of this would be Twitter…By all accounts, the company was not mainly focused on turning a profit- this was even mentioned by some of the administrators, who happen to hold a Neo-Marxist world view…It was more important to them to control political discourse because this was seen as, ultimately, being more valuable than profit… Similarly, this sort of thinking has permeated all of MSM…Hence, why their profits are all plummeting…This is also why the need to censor has become so important to the MSM…Left to their own choice, people have fled ideological news sources, for sources who try to focus on truth…Censoring these alternative outlets would undoubtedly help to eliminate competition for the MSM…👍
  14. Pro Republican? Really? CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, and FOX are the main network media outlets…And out of those, all are Left wing except for one… Of the country’s main newspapers, that serve the biggest populations, the New York Times, LA Times and Washington Post all reside in urban communities that are Democrat strongholds, and are all Left wing… So, it would appear that the MSM is overwhelmingly Left wing…The idea of the media “pumping up” a red wave, as you claim, wasn’t the MSM wanting or hoping for conservative victories, but, rather, the media relaying the data from polling that suggested a red wave was coming…That’s what explains why they were all so giddy when it didn’t happen…👍
  15. If this short video doesn’t make you see how corrupt our government run mainstream media is, then nothing will…enjoy! 😉
  16. How is it that Arizona is still counting votes? Perhaps they need to change to a more efficient voting system…It’s almost like they decided to go from high speed internet, back to dial up…
  17. Honestly? I feel that both the Left and Right have different definitions for what constitutes racism…
  18. Well, BLM and Antifa are the militant wing of the Democrat Party, and are self proclaimed Marxists…Perhaps the Latino community is just well informed…😉
  19. No sports talk or sport radio/podcasts til next week, thanks to the loss…😭
  20. Josh is my choice…worst game since Jacksonville
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