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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Some people just like being the contrarian, regardless of what they believe…👍
  2. Can’t really get any worse, considering they’ve failed their last six audits… If the only thing Pete is able to do is rid the military of DEI, without the financials being fixed, it’s still an improvement, in my book… If he’s able to also fix the financials, it’s icing on the cake…Because remember, when you’re at the bottom, the only place you can go is up…I’m not worried…👍
  3. I’ve heard all the evidence, including the police report, and testimony from the woman’s husband… Conclusion: Clearly, the woman lied to protect her marriage, because her story doesn’t add up to what she told her husband, and what witnesses saw at the bar, as far as her state of mind… Now, this doesn’t let Hegseth off the hook for having an ill conceived physical fling with a married woman…But he committed no crime and should not be disqualified from the position of Defense Secretary…👍
  4. The radical Left is an anti science cult… Now, obviously we already knew that…But to actually hear a supposed “scientist” reject biological facts is amazing to witness…enjoy! 😉
  5. Lol…perhaps you are new around these parts, but I’m an America first, anti woke moderate…👍
  6. When fans say “squish the fish”, are people really calling for the abuse of animals? People, today, are too sensitive, and always looking for something to complain about…
  7. If Russia kills Americans just so Biden’s military contractor buddies can make more money, while America continues its colonial imperialist ways, the blood will be on his hands… And trust me, Americans will not forget…
  8. Hey Dems…The grass isn’t always greener…😎
  9. God, I’m so glad I don’t live in that world…🤣🤣🤣 Makes sense- because if you’re normal, then you stick out like a sore thumb…And that, in and of itself, can be offensive…😉 Can’t wait until the platform hosts its first comedy special…🤣🤣🤣
  10. Does winning the senate and keeping the House figure into that at all? Because even though Reagan won in a landslide, Republicans did not win congress, if memory serves…
  11. So then you would agree that Trump has been given a mandate for change, unlike Clinton in 92?
  12. 🤣🤣🤣 You have to be so F’d up for your own party to condemn your cheating… Democrat cheating knows no bounds…How embarrassing…👎 And yet again, another “Right Wing Conspiracy” that proves to be true… In fact, it happens so often, it’s almost as if something is called a conspiracy theory just to cover up the truth…ya don’t say…we’ve been saying this for years…🤔🤔🤔 The charade is over, Dems…your schemes have all been shown in the light…accept it…👍
  13. Worthy is going to be a star 😢
  14. Bass loves raining on our parade! 👎
  15. @Tiberius do you support the actions of this election worker?
  16. 6 months later…Dems still counting ballots…🤣🤣🤣 No wonder they wanted Election Day to last as long as possible… Yet again, ANOTHER “right wing conspiracy” proven true…
  17. I envision that being @Tiberius🤣🤣🤣
  18. Pretty cool that RFK was with him…👍
  19. No hate at all… I just don’t approve of a corrupt bureaucrat who used 40 years in office to manipulate and take advantage of the most vulnerable among us, and then lie to American people about it… So enjoy…maybe you’ll learn something, if you’re not to stubborn not to…😉
  20. You don’t have to agree with someone’s lifestyle or politics to empathize with them being wronged, or to observe a crime against them… Maybe not to you…But perhaps, that’s what separates us- you seem to be strictly political…👍
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