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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. It’s a make up call for the Singletary non fumble…👍
  2. It’s not the team…it’s the franchise…they are cursed
  3. 2 non finishing franchises against eachother…one was bound to blow it
  4. Announcers jinxed the game when they said the Bills hadn’t lost a home game, up 14, since the 60s…
  5. Bills keeping the Vikings in it with stupid decisions by both coaches and players
  6. That was a laser Diggs just stopped with 1 hand!!! 😯😯😯
  7. Not really…replay clearly show ball in arm when elbow touched down… definitely screwed over, and a turning point in the game
  8. What the eff is replay for, if they are not going to reverse that obvious call?
  9. Refs better not eff up this call…it is a very simple call
  10. Oh, I do… I watch and read media from many different perspectives- including ones I disagree with… I actually disagree with both parties on things…It just seems that lately, I disagree with Dems more…
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