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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Nice redemption Josh- hopefully it will help build confidence 👍
  2. Wyoming Allen has officially returned folks…our worst nightmare has been realized…😭
  3. So, let me get this straight… A call was placed, by Paul Pelosi to 911 and he hadn’t been attacked yet??? 🤔 Pelosi answers the door when police arrive and does not appear to be in any distress??? 🤔 The broken glass glass from the window is on the outside of the home, insinuating that it was broken from the inside!!! 🤔 After police arrived at the home, Pelosi then walks back toward the “intruder”, where he is then bludgeoned with a hammer in front of police??? 🤔 This story makes absolutely zero sense…But what I am curious about is how quickly the Left jumped into action to spin the story, and silence actual journalists on the ground… It reeks of the Covid situation, the Epstein situation, and msm propaganda and social media censoring situations, all rolled into one…And because of that I don’t believe a word that the Left says about it…they have proven time and time again that their word cannot be trusted… I would not be surprised if it was some sort of intended hoax gone bad, to use against the Right, before the midterms…Perhaps a “Smollett 2.0”…The Left was so quick with a response, and all in unison with the same old tired “Right wing extremist” excuse…it seemed too calculated imo…
  4. I don’t have an opinion on that one way or the other…I’m simply pointing out the basis and rationale for why some churches might not want to perform gay weddings…
  5. It believe it has something to do with procreation… In the Bible, procreation is said to be a “gift” from God- something special for a man and a woman…I think thats part of why that particular relationship is elevated above all other relationships…Supposedly God commanded people to be “fruitful” and multiply…So, in a way, I suppose being gay would be seen as being disobedient to God’s command (according to the Bible)…
  6. I could be wrong, but I believe that, according to the Bible, marriage is seen as a sacred union between man, woman and God- and that that union is supposedly a way of respecting and honoring God…So in contrast, a gay couple getting married is seen as blasphemy and disrespecting what God had created or intended (according to the Bible)…I think that’s why some churches are against it…
  7. …Just like each square of toilet paper disproportionately wipes my ass…😉
  8. I heard the Governor was pressured by BLM not to teach about MLK, because King was a fan of the Constitution, the Founding Fathers, and individual liberty…😉
  9. All that stuff existed on Twitter before Elon arrived…😉
  10. I think it’s great…trim the fat- no more “free lunches”, and let the cream rise to the top…👍
  11. I’m not sure how I feel about Trump running… I like some of his policies but I don’t like how some people worship the man…
  12. Bills history is one long choke job….that’s why…👍 Even if they went undefeated an entire season, I STILL would not have confidence in the team- believing they would find a way to blow it in the playoffs… In 2020, when the Bills were 13-3, and Allen had his breakout season, I said to friends that I wouldn’t be surprised if he went down in history as the greatest QB to never win a Super Bowl…That’s how much confidence I have in this franchise…😉
  13. I wont be watching…For the first time ever, I will be taking a week off from watching the Bills- and, oddly, I am actually excited to do so… They simply make me more miserable than happy, and it’s not good for my health…Life is too short…👍
  14. Sorry to burst your bubble, but everyone already knew this 20 years ago…😉
  15. Josh Allen with 3 turnovers in the ENDZONE!!! Enough said…
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