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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I understand that msm is gonna have their biases in reporting-whether I agree with it or not, I recognize it’s only natural… Where I have the issue is when people’s speech is censored because of these biases…people were banned for bringing up stories that were TRUE!!! I know you’re a smart guy, bro…let’s just step back from politics for a moment- no democrat vs Republican- no Left vs Right…just 2 guys talking- I KNOW you can’t think that is right…
  2. Biden was recently caught on a hot mic at a recent press conference/speech…When someone in the crowd chanted “4 more years”, Biden responded “I don’t know about that”… Interesting response, given that he has made it clear in the past that he intends to run…Gavin Newsom even backed out of a potential presidential run, backing Biden for 2024, because Biden wanted him to… Is the change of heart because of the upcoming investigations in the House? Something to keep an eye on for sure…
  3. Glen Greenwald claims this is a misrepresentation of what Taibbi said… He was actually referring to no Russian government involvement with the laptop, because at the time, the Left was claiming it was Russian disinformation…👍 Totally agree…I am leary, but hopeful…I look at it from a glass half full perspective- it can’t get worse than what he had…we are all flawed and imperfect in some way…But I like that Musk is at least trying to be fair and honest, where the previous staff was just bathing in their corruption…😉
  4. This is insane…I hope BillStime and Tibs see this…
  5. It is so amusing watching you fight to stay afloat on a sinking ship…😉 But Ive got a life jacket for ya, Billsy…all ya gotta do is say you are against government or political suppression/intimidation of information on Big Tech from both sides… See how easy and fair and balanced that is? Don’t let your stubbornness drown you…we are all wrong from time to time- take the life jacket…👍
  6. We all know Twitter can censor whatever they want…which is why it’s extra important that Musk now owns the company and, hopefully, won’t censor a political story just because he disagrees with it… Free speech, BABY! 👍
  7. If you wouldn’t want Trump doing it, you shouldn’t want the Dems doing it…sound good?
  8. If Trump did it too, then both sides are guilty… Its time we clean this crap up once and for all…are you in agreement for keeping all political pressure out of Big Tech? 👍
  9. Sorry man, but these deflections are not gonna work…the evidence is too strong now…Even rational Leftists are seeing the writing on the wall…
  10. Even the most partisan Democrat has to admit that this does not look good… It’s now clear for all to see why the Left did not want Musk to buy twitter… The Dems claimed that they were the ones protecting democracy, when it turned out that they were the ones colluding to undermine it…
  11. Terrible contract…I would continue to try and upgrade the position…he simply is not a reliable player imo..
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