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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Lol…sometimes I can’t help myself, but you are so right, Jim…😉
  2. You really offer very little to this message board- almost like a stale burger from McDonalds… I actually love having thought provoking discussions with people I disagree with, because I learn something new…But you could literally post NBA scores, and it would offer more substance than your usual blather…Sorry, but it had to be said…😉
  3. Masculine/Feminine isn’t describing physical appearance, but rather a representation for a particular way of thinking (ie. Empathy is a feminine trait, whereas discipline is a masculine trait)… Most of the policy that comes from the Left is based on empathy and feelings, whereas most of the policy that comes from the Right is based on discipline and order…
  4. Political persuasion is all scientifically pre determined by personality and temperament, imo… Philosophically, the Left represents the Feminine/Chaos/Emotion, while the Right represents the Masculine/Order/Logic… These two sides are perfectly portrayed in the Asian concept of the “Yin and Yang” duality of the universe , and are eternally destined to battle eachother for supremacy til the end of time- or at least until humans evolve enough to realize that both sides are needed on a balanced level… A majority of either side will always bring an imbalance to civilization, ultimately leading to its downfall…👍
  5. I was actually told that exact thing by my Spanish teacher in high school back in the 90s…so I actually have first hand proof that it was happening as far back as 25 years ago…👍
  6. Forgive me for being a little slow- let me try to understand… So this Jim Baker guy, who was in charge of releasing the files to the 2 journalists, didn’t release them? And that’s why there was the delay? Is that right or am I confused? And was he then fired today for slowing down the process?
  7. If I’m wrong about something, but the truth wins, I’m happy- because even though I was wrong we still got the best solution… It seems if you are wrong about something, but the truth wins, you will be miserable because you’re more concerned with winning… Am I right?
  8. Honestly, I can’t think of any time… Typically our conversations are that I will try to engage by asking an honest question and you often just change the subject by cutting and pasting a tweet that has very little to do with what you’re talking about… Furthermore, based on your current post, you seem to be more concerned with “putting people in their place “ opposed the seeking truth… ”Winning” just to satisfy a primal instinct of yours, seems to be a primitive, and very superficial way to go through life…I seek higher meaning and understanding of reality…If the truth wins, we ALL win…👍
  9. He’s too busy copying and pasting…Sometimes I wonder if he has an original thought…😉
  10. I don’t understand why this is an issue…Don’t black criminals need representation too? 😉
  11. That, the Covid lockdowns, and the unbridled narcissism, are my 3 biggest gripes with Trump… PS…A free ice cream cone to BillStime if he can list 3 problems he has with Biden…😉
  12. Hopefully they will consider back pay and pensions for those reinstated…👍 That was such obvious bad policy…
  13. I want a KC loss, because I know we will beat the Fins to take the division…👍
  14. Gabe doesn’t normally get separation, so to me, everything is normal…😉
  15. Bingo…the thing I always ask myself, when I decide what position to take on a particular issue, is ‘would I be ok with my political opposition doing the same thing?’ And if the answer is ‘No’, I take a different stance…(And this also happens to be the only way people will respect you- even if they disagree with your point of view). 👍 Imo, every belief or political position people take should pertain to all…What’s good for the goose is good for the gander…👍
  16. Billsy, I’m on your side if Trump colluded with media to censor information…I am STRONGLY against that… But the question remains- Are you on my side if the Dems colluded with Big Tech to censor true stories, and ban political opponents? Can we come together on this point?
  17. This story is not about Trump…it’s about making sure people have all the information they need to make informed decisions- whether it’s about elections, Covid, War, whatever the issue…information should NOT be censored by the government! 👍
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