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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. These are extremely psychologically fragile people we are talking about…it’s very difficult for them to honestly analyze their own behavior…If they all came to the realization that they were acting like Nazis, they would probably all demand sex change operations, just so they could claim that the person, who did those things, was someone else…😉
  2. Whoa whoa whoa…I appreciate reading your posts, Jim…But putting someone in the same category as BillStime is a blow so low, I wouldn’t do it to my worst enemy…😉
  3. Schiff is a sociopath…dude literally has no soul…he would probably lie about his own family if it meant more power for him… He looks like a Sith Lord…very creepy…😉
  4. But if it was shown that the Trump administration colluded with social media to silence Democrats and Left wingers, would you be against the censorship or for it? I’ll wait… PS…sad part is, it’s such an easy answer if you care about Truth…But Billsy KNOWS he can’t respond because he would trap himself…And there-in lies the fallacy with people that act like he does… This is also why the Left hates to debate…😉
  5. Disappointment in our corrupt government set in a long time ago… Even though very little will likely happen to the powerful, the consolation prize, for me, is at least knowing that our suspicions were correct, and that their corruption has been exposed for all the world to see…👍
  6. So, you are basically ADMITTING that your whole purpose on the forum is to be disingenuous for political purposes? Then congrats…That’s probably the most honest I’ve ever seen you be…😉👍
  7. You deny that the Democrat Establishment colluded with Big Tech to censor it’s political enemies, and propagandize the American people when it came to elections, Covid, protests, and war…
  8. Denial and projection in one post…So much talent, so little time…The world is not ready…😉
  9. Yup- and it’s only dangerous for the Establishment because it means their propaganda narrative keeps proving false…
  10. BillStime burning the midnight oil, trying desperately to find something showing conservatives behaving worse than the party he votes for…😎 Poor sap just refuses to learn that it’s ok to condemn ALL bad behavior…😉 And when it’s your side’s turn to be exposed for bad behavior, just take your lumps like a mature person, and accept it…This will give you credibility in the future when you want to call out the other side for bad behavior… But constantly deflecting to the other side, when your side is clearly in the wrong, just makes you look weak, and immature, and discredits you in future discussions…👍
  11. Now we know why the Dems didn’t want Elon talking about this until after the elections…👍
  12. Yup…and you know it’s bad when their fascism feels like normal behavior to them…😤
  13. It was admitted to in the Time Magazine article…you should really check it out…they couldn’t contain themselves with glee over what they had accomplished…And all of it lines up with what is now coming out in The Twitter Files… Like a previous poster had stated, it’s not really a Left vs. Right thing (although in some cases, that can play a role) but rather the Establishment (the Security State consisting of both Republicans and Democrats) vs. the People…We are being propagandized by our own government …
  14. I think it’s pretty naive to think this is just about a political campaign in 2020… I think it started when Trump shocked the Establishment in 2016, (The Dems and MSM decided they couldn’t let that happen again) and continued right up until Elon made his purchase in 2022 (Time Magazine even published an article, after the election, about the conspiracy that they participated in with government, other media, and industry to take Trump down). So we kind of had an idea about it… And everyone from the White House, to Intelligence Agencies, to the CDC and Dr. Fauci, all had their hand in the “cookie jar” well after the campaigns of 2020…What do you think all the fake “fact checking” was for? It’s political opinion to censor info that disagrees with the Establishment narrative…👍
  15. I disagree…Twitter wasn’t trying to figure anything out- they knew EXACTLY what they were doing, and the voices they wanted to silence… ChiGoose, if there is one thing you take away from all this, remember this- Twitter was censoring the TRUTH and allowing propaganda to be promoted…Whether info on Covid, the Biden laptop, Russia Collusion…it’s borderline criminal what they have done to this country, and it contributed to the divide…It’s not right… If you wouldn’t want Trump doing it, you shouldn’t want Democrats doing it either…👍
  16. This is such a monumental moment in time- to be experiencing this exposure of the inner workings of the government in collusion with Big Tech…We all kind of knew this was going on, but it still blows my mind to finally get proof of it…👍
  17. She certainly didn’t represent the best of America before she left- but she might now…😉👍
  18. Clearly, it is on full display, in your post, that you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about… I was warned not to confuse you with a post that might have been over your head…For that, I apologize…😉 Unfortunately , your ego won’t allow yourself to ask what I might be talking about…Instead your narcissism tried to mock my post, making you look like an even bigger fool by completely misunderstanding it, and pretending you didn’t…carry on…😉
  19. One of the worst uniform looks in the NFL…👎
  20. -8 playoff teams -With 1 bye week before the start of the playoffs, so ALL teams get a week off
  21. Edge rusher just became a priority this offseason…Miller will likely will be out until next November…
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