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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. So, you wanted to know if I was a capitalist? I would love to engage, but in order to do so, the parameters of the discussion need to be set- which means, I need you to define what you mean by capitalist so that I can give you an accurate response…👍
  2. Running what? What are you even alluding to Billsy? And this better be good- it’s getting late…😉
  3. I don’t think DeSantis has to worry about energy, ever since Biden showed everyone that you could have one foot in the grave and still win the presidency…😉
  4. It depends…what is your definition of capitalist?
  5. The Left’s views are so easy to combat because they have no consistent values, which is why their words always appear to be steeped in hypocrisy Imo… All you have to do is use simple logic and they crumble like a house of cards…😉
  6. Sounds like a good idea…I like it…Thanks for posting…👍
  7. First off, not everyone in the LGBT community support eachother…There are many lesbians and gays that don’t support Trans people either, because they might believe it attempts erase woman, or gay people’s sexuality, itself…But they are still part of the same community…They are still an alliance… And why? Because of the idea of “intersectionality”…This is the concept that says, even if your community disagrees with another, as long as your are both considered marginalized, you are automatically allies against the “oppressors” of society…And because the Cis, white, Christian, male has been deemed the oppressor of society, according to the Left, it makes gays, lesbians, and Trans people automatically allies… Now, based on that concept of “intersectionality, because Pedo’s (regardless of sexuality) are a marginalized community, too, I could see Pedo’s eventually added to the LGBT community…It only makes logical sense, based on the Left’s own ideology…😉
  8. Just because most pedo’s are heterosexual doesn’t mean it can’t be added to the LBGT… 29 Years of Fanhood is correct in that the LBGT movement just adds groups that aren’t “traditionally accepted”…So, with pedo’s being a minority movement, all that the LBGT community would have to do is add another letter…
  9. This is awesome!!! My boy “Dirt” has returned home! 😉👍
  10. I hope someone is paying you well to hit your Trump post quotas every day…😉
  11. The bold print is why…I just don’t feel championship teams play like that- especially when you have double digit leads…That reeks of this franchise’s history of snagging defeat from the jaws of victory…
  12. Part of me still feels like this team is fools gold…hopefully I’m wrong…
  13. Yup- it’s all about politics…GM’s and coaches don’t wanna admit they made a mistake…
  14. Why the hell is Knox on the hands team? 🤣🤣🤣
  15. Other teams aren’t the Bills…we invent new ways to lose…
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